The principles of capitular, cryptic, and chivalric masonry
are alive in Washtenaw County

New York Rite Emblem.png

For over a century and a half the Ann Arbor York Rite has served as home to those hoping to recover the lost word, look within the secret vault, and take up the glorious cause of knighthood.

In Ann Arbor, and now in Ypsilanti, we seek to take these lessons to heart, improving ourselves and our communities.

If you wish to learn more please feel free to look around our page and contact us if you'd like more information.


Chapter No. 6,
Royal Arch Masons

Make your mark, pass the chair, finish the temple, and complete your Master Mason degree, finding master's word which was thought to be lost forever.

What is Royal Arch Masonry? →


Union Council No. 11, Royal & Select Masters

Learn how the word was preserved through time, completing the story of ancient craft masonry, and see how the first temple met its fate.

What makes a Royal & Select Master? →


Ann Arbor Commandery No. 13, Knights Templar

Take up the sword and enter an order whose grand characteristics are unsullied honor, unwearied zeal in a brother’s cause, and universal benevolence.

Who are the Knights Templar? →


Mastodon Council No. 588, Allied Masonic Degrees

In addition to the three primary York Rite Bodies, Ann Arbor is home to a council of the Allied Masonic Degrees, an invitational body appendant to Chapter.

What are the Allied Masonic Degrees? →