Dear Companions of Michigan,
I hope this finds you and yours healthy and well. We find ourselves in an interesting time although certainly not unprecedented. The world suffered the second largest pandemic in history in 1918 - 1919 with three waves of the Spanish Flu Pandemic. We can look in the records of our archive, namely the treasure published by the Grand Council: One Hundred Years of Cryptic History 1858-1958 to the sixty-first Annual Assembly of the Grand Council on May 19, 1919 where M.I. Charles E. Converse presided, for evidence of how our predecessors fared. October 1918 saw the passing of Most Illustrious Companion John H. McCallum who presided in 1914. It is noted “owing to the quarantine on travel, Grand Council was not convened to attend” Also that “Official visits had been severely restricted by the State quarantine on assembly and travel” The Most Illustrious Grand Master even declined to recommend the suspension of inactive or nonresponsive Councils that Cryptic year “owing to unstable conditions throughout the State.”
Fear not Companions, there were a few silver linings and I daresay triumphs noted however with the Grand Recorder’s report showing “a gain of 85 members, which he considered as good in face of the unfortunate condition brought about by the quarantine on meetings.” The Grand Lecturer M.I.C. Frank Hale gleefully reported “that awakened interest had more than offset the untoward influence of war and pestilence”
Although our current woes may seem like new obstacles, if we take a moment to look at our history, we find that Cryptic Masonry in Michigan (and around the world) has been at this place before. Not only have we faced trials like we face today, but we have preserved through them implementing the tenets of our profession: Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth and became stronger despite those trials.
Our Cryptic Companions of the past also faced mask mandates, quarantines and travel restrictions, and businesses small and large were closed with understanding that for a brief time we must make small sacrifices for the sake of the public good. Our predecessors not only cheerfully acquiesced to these restrictions to protect their fellows, but they also served as an example to other Masons and their communities by making the most of the current situation; instead of huffing and puffing and putting the lives of others in danger with their words and actions, they were productive in preserving and spreading Light to their brothers and their communities.
It is fortuitous that we are here to see this Holiday Season. In fact, we are blessed in many ways. We have our health, our family (even if we must be apart for their safety), and our Fraternity. We also have ZOOM which has allowed us to meet in the safety of our own home.
One special blessing is The Great Conjunction, the alignment of Saturn and Jupiter in the southwestern sky between the Winter Solstice and Christmas. This event was last visible to humans in 1226, nearly 800 years ago. In my mind, this is especially significant this year, it is symbolic of the coming light at the end of the tunnel. We all know the Winter Solstice is the darkest 24-hour period in the year but that every day hereafter leading to the Summer Solstice in June, the days with become brighter and brighter with the coming of more light.
Take the symbolic meeting of this special time to heart. Do your part to stop the spread of COVID19. Protect your brothers, families, and communities by wearing a mask and socially distancing in public, and by staying home wherever possible. Keep those who work in the medical profession and support the medical professionals in mind so that our words and actions are not the cause of their suffering or the cause of those in their care.
You Companions, are representatives of your ancient, Royal forbearers, and must be the Light and set the example for all others you touch with your influence. Take this time to study, learn, reflect, teach, and prepare for when we can meet again in person. The Royal and Select do not rest simply because we cannot attend a business meeting. We must now be courageous, make some sacrifices, and work diligently spreading Light so that we can again join the circle of friendship when this worldwide pandemic ends.
I wish for the blessings of our Supreme Architect on you, your family, your Council, and your Community. I urge you to take time to celebrate the Feast of St. John the Evangelist on Dec. 27th. Please stay in contact with your Companions, Brothers, and Widows during this challenging time. Please let me or the Grand Council know how we can better serve you. Hanukkah Sameach, Yule Tidings, Merry Christmas, and I am wishing you happiness at Kwanzaa and faith, unity and hope in the New Year!
Fraternally Yours,
Corey FGL Curtiss