We all have our Commandery uniforms showing our love for the Order of the Temple, and the Maltese Cross an integral part of our uniform shows our pride in the Order of Malta but what of the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, what of the glory and power of truth?
Show your pride in the Order of the Red cross with a Red Cross shirt or hoodie inscribed with our motto, “Magna est Veritas, et prævalebit” which means “Great is Truth, and it will prevail.”
All profits will be donated to the Knights Templar Eye Foundation
An eventful inspection for Ann Arbor Commandery No. 13, KT. We celebrated Sir Knight Tom Jameson’s 45 years serving Ann Arbor Commandery, presented our Eminent Grand Generalissimo, Donald Trumbull with an honorary membership, and lady Merry Jo with a donation to the Knights Templar Holy Land Pilgrimage. Great Job Sir Knights!
The Sir Knights of Ann Arbor Commandery No. 13 were proud to assist in Ypsilanti Commandery No. 54’s annual inspection!
Seems a Sir Knight was among the fallen in The Walking Dead premiere.
Ann Arbor Commandery No. 13 History 1965-1990
For some time we’ve had an in-depth history of the first hundred years of Ann Arbor Commandery, compiled by the late Sir Knight Harrison Caswell, PC posted on the website, but today we’re adding a latter compilation which picks up where SK, Caswell left off covering the years of 1965-1990. While admittedly a less detailed account, it none the less includes important historical gems from our proud organization.
Congratulations to Brandon Mullins, PC for being installed as Southeastern Michigan Battalion Commander after his election to the prestigious post earlier this year. Thanks for your dedicated service to Templary. Companion Brandon, Ann Arbor Council’s Thrice Illustrious Master was also honored with the Grand Master’s Service Award and Grand Master’s Meritorious award at the Grand Council session, which due to circumstances he was unable to control with his babysitter he was sadly not in attendance to receive these special honors. Thanks for your great efforts in York Rite Masonry Brandon!
Ann Arbor Commandery No. 13, Knights Templar is proud to have received the Certificate of Merit from the Grand Commandery at this year’s Grand Conclave
2014 Ann Arbor Commandery Installation of Officers
Congratulations to the newly installed officers of Ann Arbor Commandery No.13, Knights Templar and their Eminent Commander, James P. Piper!
We had a fantastic evening at Detroit Commandery No. 1’s Christmas Observance this year, and we’d like to wish all of our Friends, Brothers, Companions and Sir Knights a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
The first Order of the Temple ever to be held at the Belleville Masonic Temple in its 150+ years was a stunning success, and though some last minute cast changes were required Sir Knights from across Southeast Michigan were quick to fill in and Ann Arbor Commandery No. 13’s inspection was held without delay. Congratulations go out to Ronald Merritt II on his being created a knight among us.
Despite having to replace two officers at the last minute due to illness Ypsilanti Commandery No. 54 had a fantastic inspection, and were happy to knight Thane Domrase of behalf of Ann Arbor Commandery No. 13.
In addition we had the pleasure of making Sir Knight Gary Leach, Commander of Ypsilanti, No 54 an honorary member of Ann Arbor Commandery No. 13 in recognition of his dedication to ensuring cooperation and harmony between our commanderies.
Commander's Comments | Jun 2013
Sir Knights,
Well spring is behind us and another summer is on the horizon. Lodges by and lodge take the summers off and we reap the benefits of brothers across the country being free from their Lodge duties and able to participate in the various York Rite activities that take place.
Speaking of activities, despite canceling our regular conclave we’ve had a number of them since my last letter, and I have no shortage of news to share with you. Firstly, we had the pleasure of taking part in this year’s Southeastern Battalion Ascension observance, organized by Adrian Commandery No. 4, and hosted by Raisin Presbyterian Church, the home church of our Right Eminent Grand Commander, Sir Knight Cortland Rule.
And while on the subject of Southeast Michigan York Rite Masonry I would personally like to thank the Companions of the Southeast Michigan York Rite Association for electing me as president at our recent meeting, and look forward to serving the York Rite bodies in the region for the ensuing year. And as my first act as President I’ve begun work on a new Southeast Michigan York Rite Association & Southeastern Battalion website which when completed will be hosted at semyra.org.
In addition to our Ascension Service and Southeastern Battalion Meeting we also had a Commandery school of instruction where our Past Grand Commander, Sir Knight Jim Hawn helped us to work out some of the kinks in our ritual work, and plan for our upcoming inspection. We’ve set a date of November 9th for our inspection which will allow us far more time to plan than in year’s past and allow a week off for the Sir Knights who will also be participating in Ypsilanti’s Inspection on October 26th. More details on dates for practices and locations will follow.
In other news our long awaited commandery jewels have arrived and can be purchased by Sir Knights for thirty dollars. I’m exceptionally pleased with the way they turned out, and serve as a fitting fusion of historical and the more contemporary design from Ann Arbor Commander’s past. And of course I would like to thank Brother Dave and his company, Hattrick’s Merchandise for producing these fantastic jewels.
The first Sir Knights who will be receiving this jewel are our current Knights of Malta, Thane Domrase, and Ronald Merritt II who are awaiting the Order of the Temple which with the help of Adrian Commandery will be conferred on them in the coming months.
Also I’ll mention that for me, and my fellow brothers of Myrtle Lodge No. 89, June means the Belleville National Strawberry Festival every Father’s Day weekend of June where we’ll be selling fresh strawberries right in front of the lodge and our famous Strawberry Shortcake in our cool air conditioned dining room. I’ll be there and I’ll hope to see many of you as well.
And speaking of Myrtle Lodge it’s important to mention that given the small space of our current location they, at their most recent temple board meeting have agreed to allow the Ann Arbor York Rite to use their location for some of our larger degrees and orders as well as store the required regalia there. So while we are eternally grateful to all the Chapters Councils and Commanderies that have allowed us to bring candidates for further light in masonry we’ll be happy to have this home away from home where we can begin organizing work ourselves.
Our next stated is on June 17th where in addition to our business Chapter will be conferring the Mark Master Mason degree on a brother from Olive Lodge so come out and support your Chapter on starting this brother on journey that will in time lead him to being knighted by our order.
Thanks for reading this month’s letter and I hope to see you at our meeting in June and at the Strawberry Fest!
Deo duce, ferro comitante,
Brandon Mullins, Commander
We, along with members of Adrian Commandery No. 4 and other Sir Knights from the Southeastern Battalion had a great Ascension Observance this morning. A special thanks goes out to Raisin Presbyterian Church for having us out today, and our Right Eminent Grand Commander, Sir Knight Cortland Rule, for putting it all together.
At long last, the new Ann Arbor Commandery No. 13 jewels have arrived! Please get in touch with our recorder if you’d like one!
The Ann Arbor York Rite bodies have been meeting at Calvary United Methodist Church in Ann Arbor since the loss of the most recent Ann Arbor Masonic Temple several years ago. We currently meet in a chapel located behind the church’s main sanctuary, which while small has the advantages of its own entrance on the side of the church, convenient storage for regalia, and décor highlighted by walls of stained glass and beautiful Christian imagery. These features make for a fantastic Commandery Asylum while effectively serving our entire family of York Rite bodies. However, due to its size much of our degreework often takes place off site, so if you’d like to visit our humble asylum we’d love to have you but if you’re coming for a degree pay close attention, as you never know where we might be.
The connection between Ann Arbor Commandery No. 13 and the University of Michigan is well documented in the annals of our history but every once in a while you find something that brings history to life. I wonder when one of these was last worn?
Knights Templar Devotions - Ann Arbor Argus, April 23, 1897
The members of Ann Arbor Commandery were proud to take part in this year’s Easter Observance at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church. Though it appears this wasn’t exactly the first time we’ve has had the opportunity to do so.
Please join us as we, along with the rest of the Southeastern Battalion commemorate the ascension of Jesus Christ at Holloway Raisin Presbyterian Church for Adrian Commandery No. 4’s Ascension Observance, Sunday, May 5th. We will assemble at 9:15am, and the church service will begin at 9:30am.
Holloway Raisin Presbyterian Church is located at 5598 Holloway Rd., Britton, Michigan 49229. All Sir Knights are to attend in full uniform, but all are welcome so I hope to see you all and your ladies out for what is sure to be a great morning.
Deo duce, ferro comitante,
Brandon Mullins, Commander
What a pleasure it was to visit Cyrene Preceptory No. 29, Knights Templar this evening. Not only by pure happenstance was I able to visit them on a night when they were conferring the Order of the Temple, but this was the first time they had conferred the order in over two years. On top of that I had the honor of filling in as Sword Bearer! I would like to thank the members of Cyrene Preceptory allowing me to visit and participate, and I congratulate their three new Sir Knights!
Deo duce, ferro comitante,
Brandon Mullins, Commander
A great Palm Sunday morning at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church with the Sir Knights from Ypsilanti Commandery No. 54.