Knights Templar Educational Foundation Scholarship Presented to Ms. Katherine Ellis of Ann Arbor

On Friday, April 16th, Eminent Commander of Ann Arbor Commandery No. 13, Sir Knight John Kilbourne and Sir Knight Art Davidge, KCT had the honor of presenting a Knights Templar Educational Foundation scholarship check to Ms. Katherine Ellis of Ann Arbor. Ms. Ellis is a senior at Ann Arbor’s Pioneer High School and plans to attend the Engineering School at the University of Michigan. She is an active Rainbow with Phoenix Assembly No. 49 in Ypsilanti.


Ann Arbor Commandery has a long standing connection to the University of Michigan College of Engineering with our late Sir Knight Mortimer E. Cooley, namesake of the Cooley Building, serving as Dean and Dean Emeritus for his service to Michigan Engineering, and Sir Knight Brandon Mullins working at their Center for Digital Curricula today.

Learn more about the Knights Templar Educational Foundation at the link above.

Christmas Message from the Most Illustrious Grand Master

Dear Companions of Michigan,

I hope this finds you and yours healthy and well. We find ourselves in an interesting time although certainly not unprecedented. The world suffered the second largest pandemic in history in 1918 - 1919 with three waves of the Spanish Flu Pandemic. We can look in the records of our archive, namely the treasure published by the Grand Council: One Hundred Years of Cryptic History 1858-1958 to the sixty-first Annual Assembly of the Grand Council on May 19, 1919 where M.I. Charles E. Converse presided, for evidence of how our predecessors fared. October 1918 saw the passing of Most Illustrious Companion John H. McCallum who presided in 1914. It is noted “owing to the quarantine on travel, Grand Council was not convened to attend” Also that “Official visits had been severely restricted by the State quarantine on assembly and travel” The Most Illustrious Grand Master even declined to recommend the suspension of inactive or nonresponsive Councils that Cryptic year “owing to unstable conditions throughout the State.

Fear not Companions, there were a few silver linings and I daresay triumphs noted however with the Grand Recorder’s report showing “a gain of 85 members, which he considered as good in face of the unfortunate condition brought about by the quarantine on meetings.” The Grand Lecturer M.I.C. Frank Hale gleefully reported “that awakened interest had more than offset the untoward influence of war and pestilence

Although our current woes may seem like new obstacles, if we take a moment to look at our history, we find that Cryptic Masonry in Michigan (and around the world) has been at this place before. Not only have we faced trials like we face today, but we have preserved through them implementing the tenets of our profession: Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth and became stronger despite those trials.

Our Cryptic Companions of the past also faced mask mandates, quarantines and travel restrictions, and businesses small and large were closed with understanding that for a brief time we must make small sacrifices for the sake of the public good. Our predecessors not only cheerfully acquiesced to these restrictions to protect their fellows, but they also served as an example to other Masons and their communities by making the most of the current situation; instead of huffing and puffing and putting the lives of others in danger with their words and actions, they were productive in preserving and spreading Light to their brothers and their communities.

It is fortuitous that we are here to see this Holiday Season. In fact, we are blessed in many ways. We have our health, our family (even if we must be apart for their safety), and our Fraternity. We also have ZOOM which has allowed us to meet in the safety of our own home.

One special blessing is The Great Conjunction, the alignment of Saturn and Jupiter in the southwestern sky between the Winter Solstice and Christmas. This event was last visible to humans in 1226, nearly 800 years ago. In my mind, this is especially significant this year, it is symbolic of the coming light at the end of the tunnel. We all know the Winter Solstice is the darkest 24-hour period in the year but that every day hereafter leading to the Summer Solstice in June, the days with become brighter and brighter with the coming of more light.

Take the symbolic meeting of this special time to heart. Do your part to stop the spread of COVID19. Protect your brothers, families, and communities by wearing a mask and socially distancing in public, and by staying home wherever possible. Keep those who work in the medical profession and support the medical professionals in mind so that our words and actions are not the cause of their suffering or the cause of those in their care.

You Companions, are representatives of your ancient, Royal forbearers, and must be the Light and set the example for all others you touch with your influence. Take this time to study, learn, reflect, teach, and prepare for when we can meet again in person. The Royal and Select do not rest simply because we cannot attend a business meeting. We must now be courageous, make some sacrifices, and work diligently spreading Light so that we can again join the circle of friendship when this worldwide pandemic ends.

I wish for the blessings of our Supreme Architect on you, your family, your Council, and your Community. I urge you to take time to celebrate the Feast of St. John the Evangelist on Dec. 27th. Please stay in contact with your Companions, Brothers, and Widows during this challenging time. Please let me or the Grand Council know how we can better serve you. Hanukkah Sameach, Yule Tidings, Merry Christmas, and I am wishing you happiness at Kwanzaa and faith, unity and hope in the New Year!

Fraternally Yours,
Corey FGL Curtiss

Christmas Message from the Illustrious Grand Chaplain


Christmas is hard work. This fact is lost on you as a child, but as childhood transitions into adulthood and adulthood becomes parenthood, you begin to appreciate how much planning and stagecraft goes into the production of Christmas. Because of this, you’ll often hear people argue that what we really need this time of year is to do away with all this complexity, that it simply isn’t worth the stress. However, I won’t be giving that advice in this letter. On the contrary, I’m here to tell you that in a year where there has been little opportunity to celebrate, our goal should be to carry on as best we can. That the show must go on, not just for your friends, family, and children, but for yourself. 

The work of Christmas isn’t just stuffing stockings, wrapping presents, and baking hams. When you make the leap from being the Christmas audience to the man behind the beard, you often find that a part of the work is getting yourself in the right state of mind, in the spirit of Christmas, so you too can experience the joy of the season. Unfortunately, this year it’s likely harder than ever. Personally, this season has been bereft of the usual in-person Advent church services, Salvation Army bell ringers, Commandery Christmas observances, festive mall shopping, family visits and other traditions that make the Christmas season feel normal. I know many brothers often feel that the holiday season really starts after lodge installation, and those too have been gone. Council installations have continued online, and I look forward to ours this evening, but I think we all know that Zoom only goes so far.

Perhaps, in light of all this, you feel like this season is a wash, and aside from the bare minimum, Christmas is canceled. I want to tell you that if you celebrate Christmas you need to resist the temptation to give up. With just a few days left before Christmas, do what you need to do to get yourself there. Don’t skip this opportunity for a bit of joy in this otherwise dark time. If it’s church services, countless are streaming online. If it’s music, the Washington National Cathedral has posted their 2020 Joy of Christmas Concert on YouTube. If it’s almsgiving, the Salvation Army kettles are still being filled online and the CMMRF can always use your support. You have time to get into the spirit, and you should use it.


It’s easy to regard traditions as superfluities, but they often serve an important purpose. Human beings have been celebrating this time of year since time immemorial. Western Christmas traditions often incorporate the trappings of Yule. Hanukkah was just last week. New Year’s celebrations of varying cultural and religious significance are just around the corner, and even in largely Muslim nations like my wife’s native Bangladesh Christmas is celebrated as Bara Din, simply translated as “Big Day.” This conflux of celebrations in December points to a deep human need, that when things get dark, we need Light. And in this year of so much darkness, our need to look to the Light is especially clear. So, take the time to enjoy this season, and find the joy possible within it. Through it may we all find the hope of immortality by faith in the divine promise.

Glad tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year,

Brandon Mullins
Illustrious Grand Chaplain
Grand Council of Royal &
Select Masons of Michigan 

Thanksgiving Message from the Most Illustrious Grand Master


My Dear Companions,

As we recall from when we received the Cryptic degrees, the goal of our order is very straightforward: to Preserve the mysteries of Masonry, in perpetuity for future generations. In fact, the three degrees of Cryptic Masonry serve as a roadmap for doing just that. This Thanksgiving I feel blessed to be part of an order that urges those obligated in the Secret Vault to live up to that important charge. You may ask however, What mysteries? How shall we preserve them? For what reason? And for whom? Here are my thoughts on these important questions and I encourage you, as you look for direction this uncommon season, to reflect on our Cryptic and Masonic mysteries and answer these questions for yourself.

What are the Mysteries?
The Mysteries are indicated most plainly in the lectures within and at the conclusion of degrees, and charges of our Cryptic, Capitular, and especially Craft degrees. These should be studied, reflected upon, and discussed regularly. The private words, signs, and grips are in my estimation, tokens or signposts and not the mysteries themselves, meant to excite your memory and senses to recall your experience of initiation and subsequent Masonic study. They also serve the more practical purpose of being an oft-repeated reminder to live up to vows we all took at the altar. These manual signs, tokens, grips, and due-guards remind you of that blissful awakening at the time of your initiation into the first and subsequent degrees, and then constantly prompt us to open the boundless library of our minds to the rich material of the lectures and charges. They are an invitation, via repeated symbolic and physical stimulus, to accumulate, to process, and most importantly to recall, teach, and apply the lessons laid out in our lectures. It is important however, to note that invocation of password or use of tokens must lead not only to intellectual accumulation. It must incite a spiritual agitation that acts as an accelerant to propel the lessons on the page or in our ear to a vibrant force we as Cryptic Masons can draw on, but only with the direct intervention and might of the Supreme Architect of the Universe. These three potent ingredients of material, spiritual agitation, and Divine invitation are the whole of the Mysteries that we are charged to “Preserve” and use as Cryptic Masons.

How shall we Preserve the Mysteries?
In pre-pandemic times, we confer the degrees in full form, before eager aspirants not only craving Masonic light but also committing themselves freely to the difficult life of a servant leader, a guardian, a student, a mentor, and a guide. Unfortunately, due to present circumstances we cannot confer the degrees, and we must rely on fond memories of our admission to the Secret Vault, the sound of our name on the rolls of the Royal and Select. Fear not worthy Companions, we know the day we perform the work in person will again come when we will find ourselves tightly interlocked amongst our brethren forming a physical Circle of Friendship.

Until we welcome that glorious morning, what shall we do? We shall do the two things every new Entered Apprentice knows as his mission: Learn to subdue our passions and improve ourselves in Masonry. In conjunction to that admonition, we should again think of the symbols appertaining to the Super Excellent Master degree, one of which reminds us that the Cardinal Virtues of Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence, and Justice are “imprinted on the memory of every true Mason”. Companions, in order to share light with others, we must be a Mason worthy of an initiate’s emulation. At present, health professionals are on our streets and in our hospitals desperately pleading with us to wear masks, social distance, and stay away from others, even our loved ones for a little while. When we hear their exasperated call we should, as upright citizens and Masons who care for the well-being of others, heed their exhausted plea and do just what they recommend.

However, as we cheerfully acquiesce to our courageous brethren fighting on the front lines, we should not simply stew in our homes waiting until we can get back to a business meeting to hear the sweet sound of the minutes read. In my humble opinion, it means we should take this time to set the example and improve ourselves in Masonry. This can be accomplished through careful study and meditation or through reaching out by phone or zoom to engage in fellowship or masonic discussion. We are blessed to live in a time when technology has afforded us several opportunities to connect virtually and by phone. We should examine the lectures and obligations of our several orders and extend a virtual hand to those who may need encouragement or crave Masonic intercourse from well-informed brethren.

We should recall this charge: “Let us labor diligently and faithfully in the cause of truth, doing with all our might, whatever our hands find to do”. The bottom line is that we as good citizens and Masons cannot and should not simply offer empty platitudes and prayers for the blessing and protection of our medical and emergency services; we must don the Full Armor of God, repel the evil attack of those who would downplay our current predicament, and do everything we can to ensure those prayers come to fruition. Similarly, we as Cryptic Masons should not simply say we “reaffirm all vows of the preceding degrees” or idly nod when King Solomon tells us that “That it [the Secret Vault] and its sacred contents may be kept in darkness until future generations may bring them to light”. It is applicable in all of the above cases to recall that the Super Excellent Master degree first urges us to “inculcate a sincere devotion to the Great I Am...which is a symbolical expression for a reverence of truth and abhorrence of falsehood”.

For What Reason?
As loyal and studious Cryptic Masons, that which we preserve in the Secret Vault is not meant to gather dust. We will accomplish nothing if we reserve being a Royal and Select Mason for an occasional in-person business meeting or for when we don our vibrant and handsome purple blazer. Now is the time to both take account of our tenets and teachings, and then reach out to others to help bring friendship and light to those who walk in darkness.

Let’s recall an auspicious time in our masonic careers when we may have been gathered around an altar in a particular formation denoting friendship. At that time, we were reminded that if our work in Masonry has brought but one result, and that result has been the forming and cementing of true and lasting friendships, then our labors at the altars of Masonry shall not be in vain.

For Whom?
We are the future generations that Illustrious King refers to. It is our duty as the Royal and Select, to preserve the mysteries as our ancient predecessors did for those that come after, but also to use those sacred contents of all preceding degrees to TODAY bring Light to ourselves, our brethren, and the world at large. This is truly a gift for which to be thankful. The time is now to act on the words that we proclaim at our various communications before and after the minutes and treasury reports. It is time to learn of the artifacts stored in the vault and their meaning and become the embodiment of those vessels to share light with others. I have hope because we have this great mission before us!

In these troubling times we can accomplish much and brighten our spirits and those of others

  1. Study the teaching found in our ritual, lectures, and the Sacred Books of Law.

  2. Pray, Reflect, Meditate to stir your spirit. Call on the Supreme Architect of the Universe to intervene.

  3. It’s nine at night, Companions! Get to work. Apply the lessons in your life and reach out to others to converse, learn, teach and mentor. Especially apply them today, when our fellow Americans depend on our actions to save their lives and lift them up. And today, when our brothers and fellow humans are in need of action: relief, contact, safe fellowship.

I give thanks for the blessing of being a Cryptic Mason, for this brotherhood and this charge of Preservation in our lives, that can propel us to shine the light of Masonry to warm all those around us. I give thanks for you, my Companions, and for your fidelity in life, and friendship, whether I am with you in person or facing you on a screen. I give thanks for my Faith in the Supreme Architect of the Universe, the hope of a day when we can all gather again in safety and good heath, and for the charity my companions have shown me as mentors, leaders, teachers, confidants, friends, and Brothers. My prayers and good tidings are with you and yours this Thanksgiving.

“And now unto thee, who are able to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless before the presence of Thy glory, with exceeding joy, even unto Thee, the only wise God, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, henceforth and forever, Glory be to God on high. Amen!”

Yours in Faith, Friendship, and Fidelity,

Corey FGL Curtiss
Most Illustrious Grand Master

Thanksgiving Message from the Illustrious Grand Chaplain

Almighty God, Thou art from everlasting to everlasting; unchangeable in Thy being, unbounded and incomprehensible. Thou didst speak into being this vast fabric of the Universe. We adore and bow before Thee in reverential awe, and acknowledge our sins and misdeeds, for Thou hast promised to heal our backslidings and love us freely. Look down from Thy Holy Habitation and bless us with Thy approbation. Teach us to praise Thy Holy Name aright, for Thou art the God whom we fear and to whom we bow with humble submission. Lord, hear our prayer and accept our sacrifice of thanksgiving. Amen.
— The Opening Prayer of the Royal Master Degree

In every regular and well governed council an assembly of Royal Masters is opened with a particular prayer. And while we may have heard this prayer on so many occasions that the words no longer garner much attention, the prayer does end in a unique way “Lord, hear our prayer and accept our sacrifice of thanksgiving.” But what is a “sacrifice of thanksgiving” and why would we wish to offer one unto the Lord?

Referred to as a “Korban Todah” in Hebrew, sacrifices of thanksgiving take varied forms in scripture, but they are understood to be either the fulfillment of a vow or freewill offerings, given in addition to whatever particular sacrifice may be due, and fall into the broader category of peace offerings. Leviticus offers us a specific way in which a bread offering can be used as a sacrifice of thanksgiving, but it is in reading the Psalms that we begin to understand why one might want to make such an offering. In Psalm 50 we are told that when God saved the people of Israel from whatever perils of nature that befell them, he wasn’t particularly interested in another animal sacrifice. He certainly didn’t need them after all. What he was looking for was thanksgiving. The arrangement was clear: “Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High, and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.” – Psalm 50:14-15 (NIV)

Today, bread offerings are found most commonly in the celebration of the Eucharist and in that way, Christians continue to make them, but that’s not the only way to make a sacrifice of thanksgiving. In modern Judaism the sacrifice of thanksgiving is fulfilled through a thanksgiving blessing called the “Birkat Hagomel” recited in the presence of a Torah scroll along with 10 other worshippers. The concept of a verbal sacrifice of thanksgiving is also found in Nehemiah 12. In it singing is placed in the list of other great sacrifices, and where we find the lyrics to such songs is in the Psalms. And in going back to the Psalms, we find in Psalm 30 a great example of a verbal sacrifice of thanksgiving. We are told the various things God did for them and it is through that lens that we find the sacrifice of thanksgiving in our Royal Master opening prayer.

Like the Psalmist, we say in our opening prayer what God did for us. He spoke into being this vast fabric of the Universe. Like the Birkat Hagomel, we recognize we are undeserving. Despite our sins and misdeeds, he promised to heal our backslidings, and love us freely. Those are the facts that we are thanking him for, and this acknowledgement of God’s hand on our lives along with our praise of him is our sacrifice of thanksgiving.

As we come to Thanksgiving Day, I challenge every Cryptic Mason in Michigan to make your own sacrifice of Thanksgiving, unique to your own tradition and experience, because if you’re reading this, you’ve made it farther through peril of a global pandemic than many, and as such, God is due your thanksgiving.

In thankfulness,

Brandon Mullins
Illustrious Grand Chaplain
Grand Council of Royal &
Select Masons of Michigan

Most Illustrious Grand Master's Advisory for Meetings during the Pandemic



Please find the guidelines for operation of constituent councils during the COVID 19 pandemic below.
The following shall remain in effect from the publication of this letter until notice of rescission or modification of the Order by the Most Illustrious Grand Master.

  • In Person Meetings are permitted with the following provisions: 

    • Councils will adhere to orders and limits enacted by the civil authority and Grand Master of Michigan.  Any limits on occupancy of a building must be upheld as well as social distancing, masks, handwashing, and other precautions in place. (As of this writing, ten or fewer at a gathering)

    • The Thrice Illustrious Master must be confident that the meeting location is thoroughly cleaned, and all safety and health precautions have taken place. 

    • Members who are currently ill or susceptible to illness, especially COVID19, should stay home.


  • Virtual stated meetings are allowed and encouraged to slow the spread of COVID 19 and to protect the health of our members, especially those who may be more susceptible to the effects of COVID-19. 

    • No ritual opening, closing, or conferral of the Royal, Select, or Super Excellent Master is permitted virtually

    • All Virtual “Stated” meetings should take place on the day and time indicated in the Council by-laws

    • There should be a quorum of six or more members present on the virtual meeting to conduct business 

    • Officer Elections and Installations are permitted by virtual means, if a present.

    • It is encouraged that the council share an invitation to their virtual meetings with the Grand Recorder and Grand Lecturer so it can be distributed to Grand Officers, Arch Deputies, and Assistant Arch Deputies. Also, reach out to the Grand Officers if you need assistance organizing a virtual meeting.

This is a challenging time for us all. We must remember we are Masons, please make every effort to teach out to your members on behalf of your council and Cryptic Masonry. Check in on their wellbeing. Keep their safety and their family's safety in mind.  Additionally, let us be the best examples of the tenants of our Craft and Cryptic Rite to our fellow Companions, our Brothers, our families, and our Communities.

Corey F.G.L. Curtiss, MIGM

COVID-19 Update from the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar

Please see this message from the Grand Master of the Grand Encampment Knights Templar USA, Jeffrey N. Nelson:

Sir Knights,

As we monitor global developments, we continue to use best practices to safeguard the health of our members. The Grand Encampment Knights Templar USA has taken clear and decisive action to address the evolving COVID-19 (Coronavirus), emergency, and I would like to share those actions with you.
First, due to the extensive travels undertaken by – and expected of – Grand Encampment officers, and out of an abundance of caution, the Grand Encampment elected officers have suspended air travel through May 31, 2020.

Second, please refer to my previously released General Order No. 11, regarding the rescheduling of Grand Conclaves if such is needed. Also, remember to communicate with your Department Commander if a change to your Grand Conclave is being contemplated.

Third, the Grand Encampment officers have today made the difficult decision to cancel the three Grand Encampment sponsored 2020 Easter observances. If your Grand Commandery or Constituent Commandery still desires to have a local Easter observance that decision will be left to you.

As this situation evolves, we will keep you apprised of developments concerning Grand Encampment events and activities. We will ensure our information is distributed to you through our website, Facebook page, as well as direct communication between your Department Commander and your Grand Commandery. During this time of crisis, please know your Grand Encampment officers stand ready to assist. If any Sir Knight is in need, I would remind you of our 40 Miles Project, under the able direction of our Grand Prelate, Sir Knight Arthur Hebbeler.


Jeffrey N. Nelson
Grand Master