Merry Christmas! Let the traditions of gift giving and fellowship fill us with joy in this season. I hope your celebrations with friends and family warm your heart and reinvigorate your spirit. And let us always remember to look to the Magi as an example, ever seeking light and truth.
Happy Hanukkah
Happy Hanukkah! May this be a wonderful time of enlightenment, family togetherness, and rededication reminding us all of the light that can lead us through darkness. So get the first candle on your Hanukkiah lit and enjoy this amazing season.
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to our companions, sir knights, friends and family. We hope you the best as you spend time with loved ones. Remember to give thanks for all you’ve been blessed with, stay safe during your Black Friday shopping and don’t forget Small Business Saturday.
High Priest’s Address | Dec 2011
Greetings Friends & Companions,
When December rolls around I’m never quite sure if it feels like the longest or shortest month of the year. It can feel long when you think of all the holidays and winter events you have to prepare for but short when you realize you have to get it all done in a mere 31 days. For Masons we have Lodge and Council installations along with Lodge Christmas parties in addition the regular duties of the holidays. But as stressful it can be I love the holiday season.
And this season is particularly special as Hanukkah overlaps both Christmas and the Winter Solstice as it only does every few years creating a great opportunity for interfaith fellowship.
But as High Priest of this Chapter one of my primary duties involves visiting the surrounding lodges for their installations and presenting the incoming masters with their master’s pin for the insuring year. This yearly presentation is to remind us of the intimate connection between the lodge and chapter reminding companions to be involved in their local lodges and informing brothers of light that awaits those who chose to join the Royal Arch.
When attending these events you’ll see me in my full Royal Arch regalia and while many Royal Arch jewels are similar to those you’ve come to know in lodge I thought it might be nice to take time and explain the meaning of the High Priest’s jewel, which isn’t seen in any other Masonic body. As you may or not know the High Priest in Royal Arch is an allegorical representation of the Kohen Gadol, or Jewish High Priest, member of the order of priesthood descended from Aaron. Among the strict guidelines High Priests were required to follow there was a specific set of bigdei kodesh, or eight holy garments that the High Priest was required to wear when ministering at the Tabernacle, and in fact these men were not even granted the title of High Priest unless they were wearing their garments at that time. Among these holy garments was the mitznefet, commonly translated as miter, which could better be described as a broad flat topped turban upon which was attached the Tzitz, a golden plate inscribed with the words “Holiness to the LORD.” It is this particular vestment that was chosen as the jewel of a High Priest in the Royal Arch. The High Priest’s jewel often simply called the miter does in fact better resemble a western miter worn by bishops and abbots today with the exception of still including the Tzitz and being topped with the Triple Tau, symbol of Royal Arch Masonry, but putting the issue of translation aside the modern miter does find the roots of its design in the mitzenfet and is a commonly known western heraldic symbol which is likely why that particular design was still chosen as the High Priest’s jewel. Each part of the High Priest’s bigdei kodesh had a deep symbolic meaning and the miter was no different. The Miter was made to atone for haughtiness and the Tzitz to atone for arrogance, two similar but distinct concepts, but appropriate for the role of the Royal Arch High Priest as those are among the sins that come most often with leadership. And like in all Royal Arch jewels encompassing the jewel is the triangle which serves a symbol of the three attributes of deity. I hope this gives you a little more information on why we wear what we wear and gives you a little something to think about when I come for an installation visit.
Taking these visits into account along with the other business that comes with this festive month we will not be having a Chapter meeting as we usually would on the third Monday. However, Ann Arbor Council No. 86, R&SM will be meeting for their public installation so I greatly encourage all companions attend and show their support. Also as the month draws to a close at my Mother Lodge, Myrtle Lodge No. 89, F&AM I will be hosting a Brother Rudyard Kipling Night at the Belleville Masonic Temple on December 29th at 6pm. There will be a dinner, a viewing of “The Man Who Would Be King” and a reading of Kipling’s famous Masonic poetry. Come January we will return to our regular meeting schedule kicking off the New Year with a Past Master Degree with Allegory so expect more details on that to come soon.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s address, and have a merry Christmas, happy Hanukah and a joyous New Year.
Dominus Vobiscum,
Brandon Mullins, HP
High Priest’s Address | Nov 2011
Greetings Friends & Companions,
Welcome to the busiest time of the year! There’s Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Lodge & Council elections, the kickoff of the Christmas season, and all the while it’s getting colder every step along the way. I have personally been very busy starting a new job while my wife peruses her Master’s Degree at the University of Michigan, and the chapter has been busy as well, having just welcomed Companion, Jason Bryce over the summer we now start Worshipful Brother, Robert Blackburn on his path through the capitular degrees with his Mark Master Mason degree in taking place on October 17th and his Past Master degree with allegory taking place on November 15th.
With all that’s been going on personally I’ve hardly had the time to write a proper article but given we’ve just held a Mark Master Mason degree I’d like to take some time and talk about the concept of one’s mark. The idea of having an individual mark to distinguish your labors dates back millennia and continues to this day. Societies have long seen the benefit of making sure a person’s work could be identified in order to praise or admonish the person responsible. Such practices resulted in the trademarks of today’s modern marketplace, and we still give our signature to mark our intentions. But before there were signatures there were marks. An older friend of mine still tells the story that when he started at Ford if you were illiterate in lieu of your signature you were asked to make your mark. We, in a lodge of Mark Master Masons request all incoming brothers to make their mark before they receive their Royal Arch Degree. We ask them to make this mark in our Book of Marks that will identify them as a Mark Master Mason. So what’s in a mark? Looking over Washtenaw Chapter’s Book of Marks I’ve seen no shortage of variety. Symbols of faith, working tools, and any number of designs that could have meaning to a man grace its pages. Some are as simple as a set of initials while others are so complex they can hardly be etched on a coin. Knowing many of the companions, I often smile after realizing how fitting many of the marks are. This is true of even one of our most famous Mark Masters, George Washington.
Companion, George Washington's Apron
As you can see by looking at #42 on the diagram, Companion, Washington’s chosen mark was the beehive, a long held Masonic emblem of industry. How fitting a mark for the father of our nation? But whether your mark has a strong symbolic meaning or not isn’t actually what’s important. The important part of your mark is found in making it. Our operative brethren may have been forced to mark their work but in modern society it’s easy to hide poor workmanship. You may be just one man in a company of thousands, in a community of millions, but I think should be the goal of every Mark Master Mason to happily mark all of their deeds and when asked if it is indeed their work, answer with pride. When I was young I was a member of AWANA which is an acronym that references 2 Timothy 2:15, Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed. I find this particularly appropriate for the Mark Master Mason as well. Work diligently and skillfully, marking it without shame, so when it comes for approval, you can present it joyfully.
As I stated before we’ll be conferring the Past Master degree on Worshipful Brother, Robert Blackburn on the 15th with allegory, so if you know a part in the degree, or are simply interested in attending please feel free to drop by. Dinner will be at 6:30pm, Council elections are at 7:00pm and we’ll be starting the degree at 7:30pm. Our next degree will probably not be until February so this should be a great time of fellowship for all. Also our Ann Arbor York Rite shirts are in. They are $25 and have two designs. One design featuring, Lodge, Chapter, and Council, and the other featuring Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery. You can order them at the meeting or just send me an e-mail to specifying how many you want, which design you want and your size. They will also be available soon at And remember on November 5th at 7:30pm the Corner Brewery in Ypsilanti Ann Arbor-Fraternity No. 262 is hosting the Freemason Party for Food Gatherers, so you should come and show your support! Thanks for reading and happy Thanksgiving!
Dominus Vobiscum,
Brandon Mullins, HP
From the Crypt | Nov 2011
As you all know by now George Lucero was transferred to New Mexico earlier this year. It was his original intention to serve as Thrice Illustrious Master for a period of two years to give us, hopefully, a smooth transition into the future for the Council.
Corey Curtis has volunteered to step forward and assume the reigns in upcoming year, if you the Companions of Ann Arbor are in agreement. It will be necessary for him to have some assistance if the Council is to continue to flourish. Hope you are able and willing to step forward and assist him in his planned goals.
Contact him to let him know that you will be there for him. This makes the job of planning and preparing so much easier.
They have a nice core of Companions in attendance at the meetings, but, they do need assistance. Especially since we know that they have some degrees that need to be performed on new candidates, with the assistance and support of Ypsilanti’s Union Council.
Mark Master Mason Degree | Oct 2011
Greetings Friends & Companions,
Please join Washtenaw Chapter No. 6, Royal Arch Masons for a Mark Master Mason Degree this Monday, October 14th. A light dinner starts at 6:30pm, and we open at 7:00pm. We have many key positions filled but we’re low on manpower and could certainly use the help. Hope to see you all there!
Order of the Temple | Sep 2011
My Flock of Sir Knights,
This is a particularly exciting month for Commandery as we have will have not one but two new Sir Knights receiving their Order of the Temple.
The first is with Adrian Commandery No. 4 for their annual inspection. They will be conferring the Order of the Temple on our Knight of Malta, Ken Landstrom on Saturday, September 24th. Chamber of Reflection begins at 1:30pm, Order of the Temple at 2:00pm, and dinner following the order.
The second is with Detroit Commandery No. 1 at the Detroit Masonic Temple. They have agreed to help us put on the Order of the Temple on our Knight of Malta, Jim Piper, and even agreed to host it at their beautiful Asylum. This is set to begin on Tuesday, September 27th. Full Form Opening at 5:30pm, Chamber of Reflection at 6:30pm, Order of the Temple begins at 7:00pm, and we’ll be organizing a carpool for this particular trip at our next stated Conclave on the 19th. I hope to see as many of our Sir Knights as possible at both events!
Deo duce,
Brandon Mullins, EP
High Priest’s Address | Sep 2011
Report of the Grand Convocation
August 17th, 2011
Lexington Hotel
Lansing Michigan
Congratulations to Michael Whiting who was elected and installed as Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. Most Excellent Companion Mike has been in Masonry since 1979 in Pontiac Lodge and has served admirably and with distinction in all of his Masonic Bodies.
M. E. Comp. Mike served as Grand Master of the Cryptic Masons in Michigan in 2004-05. Has served as Royal Patron of the Order of Amaranth for 4 terms. He is one of the most well-traveled Brothers in the state for all of the Masonic Bodies. He will do an excellent job for the Royal Arch in Michigan, however, as he has noted he cannot do for you. He can give guidance and support. You must do the work in the trenches.
The Junior Past Grand High Priest, Most Excellent Companion Robert E. Cooper of Cedar Springs won the election as Grand Secretary, Paul Howell stepping down after 12 ½ years in that position, having taken over from our own Ralph Raiford. M.E.C. Cooper will operate the Grand Chapter out of the Grand Rapids Masonic Temple. 233 E. Fulton St., Grand Rapids 49503.
Elected to the position of Grand Master of the 1st Veil was Michael Roberts of River Raisin Chapter No. 22 in Monroe, MI. Elected to replace Fred Schneider as the Right Excellent Grand Sentinel was Eldin Miller, Secretary of Mt. Vernon Chapter No. 37 in Samaria.
Most Excellent Companion Paul Howell was voted to receive the distinguished title of Right Excellent
Grand Secretary Emeritus of the Grand Chapter and Excellent Companion Fred Schneider was voted the permanent title of Right Excellent Grand Sentinel of the Grand Chapter.
At the Thursday night Banquet they were each presented with the appropriate Aprons for the new rank.
3 Ladies were awarded the honor, title and rank of General Grand Chapter Sweetheart Award: Sharon Cooper, Nancy Helm & Janet Schneider.
Special recognition goes out to Joseph Medved of Lapeer Chapter No. 91 and Jerry Ritzert for St. Ignace Chapter No. 134 for being awarded the rank and title of District Deputy Instructor Emeritus of the Grand Chapter for their long and distinguished service to the Companions by serving as a District Deputy Instructor for over 7 years with distinction.
Ex. Comp. Frank James Huey was awarded the General Grand Chapter Bronze Award. The Region 3, Michigan Meritorious Service Award was awarded to our own Companion Arthur W. Davidge. Congratulations Art.
There was one Amendment to the Red Book of Capitular Law that was proposed this year. It was to reduce the number of required meetings for a Chapter from 10 to 8 per year. That motion passed but it was made known that that was the minimum number and that each Chapter could and should have one each month along with a Special for the purpose of rehearsal, Degree conferral or special Dinners and functions.
The 2012 Grand Convocation will be held at the:
Doubletree Hotel
Bay City, Michigan
August 22nd, 2012
From the Crypt | Sep 2011
George, Amanda and the kids are all now well settled in in Albuquerque, New Mexico at his new job.
Paul & Beth will be in their new home in Maricopa, AZ by the middle of September.
Please note the header of the Council. This means that we are going to need to get Ann Arbor Council off and going on a new start very soon.
Art Davidge has agreed to take over as the Recorder of the Commandery.
We have some new young Companions in the Council and several new candidates for the degrees. Some have agreed to step forth and assist in this transformation and regrowth of the Council. We are still needing others to do so. Don’t be a stranger to the Cryptic Craft.
The election will be in December so come out for the next couple of months. Check out the work and the Companions in attendance. I know that by doing so you will come away with the feeling of wanting to be a more active part of this organization.
Congratulations to Stephen Striggow on his fine year as the Grand Master of Royal and Select Masons for this past year.
We send our congratulations and best wishes for an even more successful year, if that is possible, to Dwight A. Humm, Most Illustrious Grand Master for 2011-2012, and his core of Officers for the coming year.
Commander's Comments | Sep 2011
Sir Knights and Friends:
Ann Arbor Commandery in conjunction with Ypsilanti Commandery were holding their Joint Inspection on Sat. August 27th at the Ypsilanti Masonic Temple. They have been working hard, as a group to prepare for this event.
Joseph Thompson for Ypsilanti Commandery was to be the Inspection Candidate for this event.
Ann Arbor Commandery still has two candidates in waiting for the Order of the Temple and there are also others in waiting to begin their journey into the Orders. Ann Arbor Commandery has work which needs to be accomplished this fall.
The Grand Commandery Grand Conclave was conducted in a smooth and efficient manner by the Right Eminent Grand Commander Loren A. Winn and his officer core.
Roy A. Ickes of Mt. Clemens Commandery was elected to serve this coming year as our Right Eminent Grand Commander.
Our good friend and frequent visitor Donald Trumbull of Howell Commandery was elected to begin his travels in the Grand Commandery Line by being elected to serve as Junior Grand Warden.
Joseph Medved of Lexington Commandery received the Grand Encampment Knight Templar Cross of Honor.
2011 Michigan Grand Chapter Region 3 Meritorious Service Award Winner, Art Davidge
Greetings Friends & Companions,
Michigan’s Mason of the Year for 2011 is honored by receiving the Michigan Grand Chapter Region 3 Meritorious Service Award. Art was acknowledged at the Grand York Rite Banquet at Lansing, Michigan on Thursday evening August 18th.
He will be formally presented with his award at a dinner in his honor which is to be held during this upcoming Capitular Year. Arrangements are to be made in the very near future and word will be passed out.
High Priest's Address | Aug 2011
Greetings Friends & Companions,
We’ve had no shortage of activity lately, welcoming new friends into companionship as we bid farewell to those who traveling on roads that will lead them several states away. In July our King, George Lucero completed his move to New Mexico, and though he won’t be able to complete his term as Thrice Illustrious Master we presented him with his Past Illustrious Master’s apron. July was also Paul Howell’s last meeting with the Ann Arbor York Rite before he heads out to Arizona. Paul leaves enormous shoes to fill and in consideration of the amazing work he has put into supporting the York Rite in the Ann Arbor area and beyond the Ann Arbor York Rite bodies have awarded him the Ann Arbor York Rite distinguished service award. But as we wish these companions well on their journeys we welcome in our new companion, Jason Bryce into our chapter who received his Royal Arch Degree on the 27th at the Detroit Masonic Temple with help of Monroe Chapter No. 1. He certainly had to travel a rough road to get there, but we’re happy to have him with us.
As usual there’s a subject I’d like to discuss this month. I’ve noticed that when I am talking to someone about Freemasonry and mention that I’m the head of a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in Ann Arbor people tend to take it at face value. But there are times, especially when I begin to mention one of the Ann Arbor Lodges, or the fact that my Lodge is in Belleville, that I get a few follow up questions. Usually along the lines, of “Well I thought you said you were the head of the Masons, in Ann Arbor” and continuing with “So what’s a Royal Arch Mason then?” And I find that while I’m good at explaining Blue Lodge, and what Freemasonry is in general, I’m bad at explaining Royal Arch to someone without confusing them with details on our organizational structure or the nature of our work. Appendant bodies in general are a complicated subject. The whole idea of having these degrees and bodies that are considered higher yet at the same time equal and in many ways subordinate to Blue Lodge make for no short discussion. Military rank, or corporate structure serve as poor comparison, and Royal Arch is in all likelihood the most complex of the appendant bodies to explain given its position as a completion of the third degree, and the whole subject of the Antients and Moderns.
I’ve always thought of a Royal Arch Mason as a curious Mason who is unsatisfied with substitution and has an interest in following the path that history has taken our craft. It may not be a simple explanation but when someone asks me why I joined the Royal Arch, going as far as to become a leader of a chapter I find myself driven to give them an explanation that simply says the craft lodges, give you a part of the story, and the Royal Arch continues it. Such a vague explanation may lead to more questions, on the Royal Arch and the initial story Craft Masonry tells, but if they want to know, I guess they’ll just have to petition a Lodge and find out.
Now there are plenty of activities this month so remember to keep these things in mind. On August 15th we have our regular meeting, and among other things we will be ordering our new Ann Arbor York Rite polo shirts. The shirts are $25 and have two designs. One design featuring, Lodge, Chapter, and Council, and the other featuring Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery. You can order them at the meeting or just send me an e-mail at specifying how many you want, which design you want and your size. I’m also working on making them available to buy online at but that will take a little time. On August 17th is Grand Chapter so if you’d like to come once again mention it at the meeting or send me an e-mail and we can ride together. August 28th is the Annual Ann Arbor Freemason’s Tri-Lodge Picnic at Gallup Park. I know I’ll be there and I’d love our members there out supporting Ann Arbor Freemasonry. And last but not least we are hosting the Southeastern Michigan York Rite Association meeting this month on August 29th with the aid of York Chapter at the Milan Masonic Temple. There’s plenty going on this month so make sure to mark your calendars and I hope to see you there!
Dominus Vobiscum,
Brandon Mullins, HP
Mark Master Mason Degree | Jul 2011
Greetings Friends & Companions,
Please join Washtenaw Chapter No. 6, Royal Arch Masons for a Mark Master Mason Degree this Monday, July 18th. We’ve had to set this up last min to catch a brother up with the class so we could use all the help we can get!
Most Excellent Companion Paul Howell will be serving a delicious meal at 6:30pm, and we will open at 7:00pm. Hope to see you there!
Capitular Degrees at the DMT | Jul 2011
Greetings my Fellow Companions,
Please join us along with our host, Monroe Chapter No. 1 at the Detroit Masonic Temple for our upcoming series of Capitular degrees. Monroe Chapter has said they are willing to provide all roles for the degree, conferring it upon both our and their candidates, but if you know a part from memory they are more than willing to take you so feel free to volunteer! The Mark Master Mason Degree will be held on the 13th, the Past Master & Most Excellent Master Degrees on the 20th, and the Royal Arch Degree on the 27th. Our Ann Arbor Masonic News article stated that we would also be doing the Past Master & Most Excellent Master Degrees ourselves in Ann Arbor at our Stated Convocation but due to schedule changes all degrees will be done along with Monroe’s candidates in Detroit. Show up at 6:00 to partake in food and fellowship, and we open at 7:00pm. So if you can make it out I’m sure our candidates would love your support, and this is a great opportunity to visit another Chapter and see work in the most amazing building in Masonry. Hope to see you there!
Dominus Vobiscum,
Brandon Mullins, HP
High Priest's Address | Jul 2011
Washtenaw Chapter has been very busy, so far, this year. We had a lot of fun and a great experience for our members by doing the work in Belleville on Myrtle Lodge of Belleville Brothers. in February, March and April. It was great to be doing the work for ourselves and we do really appreciate all of the help and assistance that we have received from the surrounding Chapters.
We exalted 3 new Companions and all have had nothing but good things to say about the degrees, work and lessons taught (learned).
In expanding our out reach program we have made arrangements with Monroe Chapter in Detroit for them to put on the Degrees for us with the next class of Brothers going through. This group is currently all, three, members of Ann Arbor-Fraternity Lodge. We can, and would be pleased, to increase this number of candidates to receive these beautiful and impressive degrees.
The times will all be with the degrees beginning at 7 pm. Dates and locations:
Mark Master Mason Degree – Wed., July 13th in Detroit.
Past & Most Excellent Master Degree – in Ann Arbor at Calvary Methodist Chuch on Miller Ave., Mon., July 18th. (For the Ann Arbor candidates)
Past & Most Excellent Master Degree – in Detroit at Detroit Masonic Temple, Wed. July 20th. (For the Detroit candidates)
Royal Arch Degree – Wed., July 27th in Detroit.
There will be a light meal prior to the Degree on all dates.
The Southeastern Michigan York Rite Association will be having their final meeting prior to the Grand Convocation on August 17th in Lansing. The Meeting will be preceded by a Pot Luck Picnic at the Tecumseh Masonic Temple at 700 Bishop Reed Dr., in Tecumseh.
July will be my final meeting with the York Rite in Ann Arbor. On Mon., Aug.16th at our August Business Meeting I will be performing the final phases of getting all of the materials ready for the Grand Chapter Convocation.
On Monday, August 29th we, Washtenaw Chapter will be in host and in charge of the Southeastern Michigan York Rite Association. We will be hosting it in Milan. Dinner will be served at 6:15 and the Meeting will take place at 7:00 pm. I will not be at the Aug. 29th meeting as I will be visiting with Al & Deb Christ and attending the General Grand Council and the General Grand Chapter.
Wishing each of you a very happy, safe and enjoyable 4th of July, Independence Day celebration. Enjoy the fireworks. Remember all those who have assured us of our Liberties, and continue to thank all of those who are currently serving to insure the continuation of those liberties and our Independence.
Paul Howell, PHP
From the Crypt | Jul 2011
Greetings Companions and Friends,
George has asked me to say hello for him this month, and at the same time to wish all his very best and to say goodbye, for now. His move for the military will take place on the 10th of July. He will be leaving us for Albuquerque, New Mexico where he will begin his 2nd 24 years of service to our Country.
Since June was his last meeting with us, this year, we made a presentation to him of his Past Thrice Illustrious Masters Apron. Sure it’s a little early, but he deserves it. It actually looks very good on him.
Adam Smith was greeted into the Council on June 4th in Auburn Hills at Pontiac’s all Council Degree Day.
We have 2 candidates in waiting to be greeted and all indications are that the 3 Brothers coming into the Chapter are also desirous of joining the Council. The plans for the Council Degrees will be set shortly after the 1st of September. Watch the calendar for the dates and locations.
Grand Council will be conducted this year at the Lexington Hotel in Lansing. Thursday, August 18th. The Grand Banquet will be that evening. Hope you can enjoy the evening with us.
Southeastern Michigan York Rite Association is going to be at the Tecumseh Masonic Lodge on Wednesday, July 27th. It will be a Family Pot Luck Picnic beginning at 6 pm. The meeting will begin at about 7 pm. We will be voting whether we can and should make a donation to the 3 Grand York Rite Charities. Also, it will be the Annual Meeting for the Association.
A few of you still owe your dues for this year. Please send ASAP.
Hope that this finds each of you in the best of health and happiness. Enjoy your July 4th celebration with family and friends.
Paul Howell, PTIM
Commander's Comments | Jul 2011
Sir Knights and Friends:
It was a great time that we had on Thursday, June 9th when we were able to put on the Red Cross Degree and the Short Form Order of Malta and Mediterranean Pass. These were both Companions of Ypsilanti York Rite.
On Wednesday, June 15th we again put on the Red Cross Degree and the Short Form Order of Malta and Mediterranean Pass. Both of these Companions were from the Ann Arbor York Rite.
One of the candidates will receive his Order of the Temple just prior to the Inspection of Saturday morning August 27th. Probably August 25th. One will be at the Inspection and the other two will probably be conferred in the month of September.
It will be great to see so much work being performed by both of the Commandery’s. For all Christian Masons the Order of the Temple is a must see and a must participate in. It is a participatory Order and one of the most beautiful, impressive and memorable in Masonry.
Plan on attending the Inspection on Saturday, August 27th at 9 am. The luncheon will follow at approximately 12 noon.
What are you doing on Mon. July 4th? How about joining the Northville Masonic Family for a Breakfast, 6 – 10 am. Bring your family and friends. At 10 am you could join them by either observing or marching in the Parade. The uniform for the KT’s for the parade is Black Slacks, White Shirt, Black shoes and socks, with sword.
May you find peace and happiness in all of your endeavors.
Happy and safe 4th of July in the celebration of our Independence and Freedom.
Paul Howell, PC, KTCH, KCT
The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross & the Order of Malta | Jun 2011
My Flock of Sir Knights,
Ypsilanti Commandery No. 54, Knights Templar has been so gracious as to host the conferring of the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, and the Order of Malta this Wednesday, at 7:00pm at the Ypsilanti Masonic Temple. We open on the Red Cross at 7:00pm, and the attire for Sir Knights is black slacks, white shirt, black tie, and sword. Hope to see you there.
Deo duce,
Brandon Mullins, EP
All Council Degree Day | Jun 2011
Greetings Friends & Companions,
Pontiac Council No.3, Royal & Select Masters is hosting an All Council Degree Day this Satuday, June 4th at the Pontiac Masonic Temple. The Grand Council Officers will be pourtraying the degrees making this a very special evening made even more special by the fact that the Ann Arbor York Rite’s own, Adam Smith will be receiving his Cryptic degrees there. They open at 1pm, the Royal Master degree begins at 1:30pm, and the Super Excellent Master at 4:00pm. So If you’re interested in taking part, showing your support or just seeing the impressive work of the grand degree team feel free to tag along.
Brandon Mullins
Deputy Master