Familiar faces at Kalamazoo All Degree day today! Two new Companions of Ann Arbor 86 greeted as Super Excellent Masters today!!
Jason Bryce Greeted as Super Excellent Master
Ann Arbor Council 86 sends its congratulations to Companion Jason Bryce for being greeted as a Super Excellent Master! He’s now a voting Royal and Select Mason. Our Thrice Illustrious Master, Corey Curtiss took part in the degree work and was on hand for this great event in Flint, MI.
Southeastern Michigan Battalion of Knights Templar Ascension Observance hosted masterfully by Detroit Commandery #1 at the Detroit Masonic Temple. It was a beautiful service and wonderful fellowship! Great job Sir Knights!
Corey Curtiss, PC, KYCH
I had the pleasure of representing Ann Arbor Commandery #13 and Southeastern Michigan Battalion in the Most Worshipful Grand Master Bill LeVeque’s Honour Guard provided by the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar. It was quite an impressive arch of steel!
Corey Curtiss, PC
HONOUR ROLL: Corey Curtiss, past presiding of our Chapter, Council, and Commandery was created a Knight of the York Cross of Honour (KYCH) over the weekend. He was knighted by Ernie Berry, Past Grand Master General KYCH, Past Grand Governor MI YRC, Past Most Illustrious Grand Master RSM (left) and invested by Doug Hegyi, PGM, Excellent Chief of Knight Masons of Michigan (right). The KYCH is an invitational organization honouring leaders of the York Rite. Find out more about KYCH at www.kych.org and our local Michigan Priory #22 at http://www.hiram.net/michigan22/
High Priest’s Address | Jun 2013
Greetings Companions,
At our April Communication we held our election of officers for the 2013-14 Capitular Year. I am proud to say that Companion Thane Domrase, the current Worshipful Master of Olive Lodge in Chelsea has been elected to the start the officer line as our Royal Arch Captain. His leadership skills and enthusiasm will be a fantastic addition to our dedicated line of Officers. I would like to thank all of our officers for committing to another year of service.
Our own, Excellent Companion Brandon Mullins, PHP has been elected to serve as President of the Southeastern Michigan York Rite Association. We know he will serve this regional service body well and bring many new ideas and energy to that organization as he did with our Chapter and other York Rite Bodies. I wish him well on this new endeavor. The next meeting of this body for all York Rite Masons is on the fifth Monday or July 29 at Milan Masonic Temple at 37 Tolan St in Milan.
It’s an honor to be elected to a second term as High Priest of Washtenaw Chapter. I am looking forward to another great year of Capitular Masonry with the finest group of Royal Arch Masons in Michigan. Although we may be small at this moment, we have proved time and time again that we can do great things and we are on the long term path to growth. As a York Rite team we will be able to go far and restore our place as a premiere York Rite organization.
On Monday, June 17 we will confer the Mark Master Mason degree, opening at 7 pm for brief business and then confer this thought provoking degree. I hope you can attend this night of fellowship and ritual work whether you come every month or if this will be your first time back in a while. We meet at Calvary United Methodist Church, 1415 Miller Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48103-3758. For up to date information visit us on Facebook or at www.aayorkrite.org where EC Brandon Mullins maintains a fantastic website.
Corey F. Curtiss, PHP
It is a very sad day for Cryptic Masonry. Most Puissant Companion George C. Sellars, the Most Puissant General Grand Master passed away today February 10, 2013. He passed away at home with his family by his side.
His Funeral arrangements are as follows: A.H. Peters Funeral Home, 20705 Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe, MI 48236. Viewing on Tuesday, February 12, 2013 from 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Masonic Service at 8:00 PM. (Tentative Commandery Honor Guard 7:30 PM to 8:00 PM) Wednesday, February 13, 2013, Funeral Service at Noon at the Funeral Home.
Corey Curtiss
Junior Past Illustrious Master
Congratulations to our new Thrice Illustrious Master Brandon Mullins. It was a pleasure to serve as Master of our Council in 2012. As I now take the station at the right hand of our TIM, I know that Illustrious Companion Mullins will in fact be one of the best Masters in the history of our Council. I am excited to support him in his work in our crypt and in his endeavors to grow and enrich our Council’s membership. Here’s to the 2013 Cryptic year; its going to be a stellar 12 months!
Corey Curtiss
Junior Past Illustrious master
From the Crypt | May 2012
Greeting’s Companions, Ladies, and Family:
I hope you had a wonderful April and holiday celebration with your families. We had a very eventful April meeting, primarily revolving around discussion of our consolidation efforts with the other York Rite Bodies in Washtenaw County. The main course of which was our resolution to put the consolidation of Ann Arbor #86 into Union #11 in Ypsilanti. Shortly letters will be sent out to all members inviting them to an official vote and discussion at our next stated meeting on May 21st. The proposal will consolidate our resources and membership into one great Council that will work under the banner and charter of Union Council #11.
A group of representatives from Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, and Milan have been working to determine the terms of our Consolidation. One aesthetic and historical concern is maintaining the lowest number as possible in the effort and all members of the consolidation committee agreed that it was important to maintain the lowest number and Oldest Charter (hence our consolidation into #11). Other concerns are being addressed such as meeting day, location, and line of officers. Please come to or send communication to our next stated meeting to help hash out details.
The executive leadership and active membership sees this as a positive move so that we may form a York Rite group focused on membership development and providing an added value experience to that membership instead of simply focusing on getting enough people to fill the chairs or even worse, finding enough people to open. We want our members to focus on their favorite parts of the York Rite and not just on the tedious process of keeping everybody going all the time. It’s this TIM’s hope that our current plan will put us on the path to growth and revitalization so the Washtenaw York Rite bodies united can thrive.
I hope to see you soon!
Corey F. Curtiss
Thrice Illustrious Master
Ann Arbor Council #86
From the Crypt | Apr 2012
Greetings Companions,
I hope this message finds you and your families doing well!
Our regularly scheduled March School of Instruction was cancelled as our new Arch Deputy was otherwise detained.We will be rescheduling it for our Council meeting on Monday, April 16th at 6:30 p.m. We are starting early as the Chapter and Commandery will be conducting its annual meeting and elections that night as well. I hope you can be in attendance to receive some excellent instruction on the degree work of the Cryptic rite.
It’s my sad duty to inform you of the passing of Past Grand Master, Most Illustrious Companion Bill Skrepnek, 33 degree on the morning of 21 March 2012.Please keep his widow, Lady Doris in your prayers. I had the pleasure of being present during the installation proceedings of Flushing Lodge in December 2011.Bill performed every part (except that of Marshal of course) word perfect and with great enthusiasm.He will be greatly missed.
The weather here in southeastern Michigan is unseasonably warm.I hope you’re enjoying it!And to our Companions in other states:we miss you!Until our next meeting!
Yours in Cryptic Masonry,
Corey F. Curtiss
Thrice Illustrious Master
Ann Arbor Council #86
Commander's Comments | Apr 2012
Dear Sir Knights,
This will be my last letter to you as your Commander.The past two years have flown by.It has been quite a memorable experience.Thank you for the opportunity to serve you! In May, if he is elected, I will yield this post to my friend and constant companion, Brandon Mullins. This Commandery has not seen a young Sir Knight so enthusiastic for our Order and Templary in general.It will surely be a treat to place our beauceant and our ranks in his care.
I will also remind you that your new Commander will need assistance on August 17th for our Commandary Inspection.Come out with your lady and support our efforts.
Also, please note on the fifth Thursday or 29th of March the Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, and Milan York Rite groups will be converging at Ypsilanti Masonic Temple at 7 p.m. for discussions on consolidating our bodies into one strong York Rite Body.If you have questions please contact Brandon or I.
Finally, its my sad duty to inform you of the passing of Right Eminent Sir Knight William Skrepnek, Past Grand Commander of Michigan on 21 March 2012.Please keep his widow, Lady Doris in your prayers.Bill was also a Past Grand Master of Michigan, and Past Most Illustrious Grand Master of Royal and Select Masons of Michigan.He was also trumpeted a 33 degree, Sovereign Grand Inspector General in the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite.I had the pleasure of attending a number of Masonic events around the state with Bill. His cheerful demeanor will be sorely missed.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam,
Corey F. Curtiss, PEC
Ann Arbor Commandery #13
From the Crypt | Mar 2012
Dear Companions,
Oh how the Cryptic year moves quickly.We are busy in the Royal Arch chapter preparing future Candidates for the Royal and Select Degrees.As I discussed at our annual installation of Officers in December, the Council focuses on Preservation and we as a Council and York Rite collective are working to Preserve not only our great body but our entire organization.It begins with you! You companions, are our boots on the ground. Please spread the word about the great work in the Council and its meaningful degree structure.It is not a body to be missed and those that petition and follow though to discover where the secrets of our Craft are preserved will not regret their decision.
Your Master is busy helping the Royal Arch body with degree work so we can have candidates for our degrees. In addition, I will be traveling to the East Central conference the second weekend of March in Indiana for a leadership forum to help write new plans on our Trestle Board with the hope that we continue to engage and provide an added value organization for Companions to call home and preserve our unique mysteries.
In addition, at 6:30 p.m. on the third Monday of March (19 March 2012) we will have our School of Instruction from our new Arch Deputy, the representative from Grand Council.Please be there in properly clothed to practice the Opening and Closing in the Select Master degree and the reception of Grand Officers.We look forward to seeing you for that and the Washtenaw Chapter’s Past Master degree with Allegory!
Corey Curtiss, TIM
Commander's Comments | Mar 2012
Sir Knights,
I hope this communication finds you and your family well.Please send along prayer requests or any other updates to commander@aayorkrite.org or 734-506-8272 or to our Recorder or Prelate.
This Chivalric year almost draws to a close as does my two year reign as Commander.I am looking forward to turning the saddle over to Sir Knight Brandon Mullins who has exceptional passion for Templar Masonry and will do many great things in his tenure as Commander of our Commandery.
To keep you up to speed, in the past months I have had the pleasure of representing our Commandary at a number of Battalion events and was even able to take a few parts in a number of the ceremonies down in Samaria a few weeks ago.We are also deep into planning our upcoming Commandery Inspection which has been proposed for August 18 before the State Commandary Conclave this year. The outgoing and incoming Commanders of our sister Commandery in Ypsilanti are even now hard at working planning this spectacular event so we hope to see you there.Would you like to take a part?Please let us know soon, before your favorite part is taken!
Our new members Ken Landstrom and Jim Piper, have been quite active and even have been visiting other Commanderies.
In addition, we will be sending a contingent to the Detroit Masonic Temple and Detroit Commandery #1 to watch the portrayal of the Order of the Temple in full chain mail and period regalia by a visiting Preceptory. Please mark your calendars for March 24th and get your reservations in as this is sure to be a spectacular event. You can find more information in the Michigan insert of the current edition of the Knight Templar magazine which should be hitting your mailboxes now.
We also have handsome certificates commemorating your Knighting if you might not have received them in previous years.We have limited quantities of both an old edition and the larger and colorful new edition for $15.Please contact Excellent Prelate, Brandon Mullins at prelate@aayorkrite.org to order them and his lovely lady Puja will write your name and information in a beautiful fashion.
Our next regular conclave and dinner will take place 19 March 2012 at Calvary Methodist Church.We hope to see you there! Please let us know if you need a ride!
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam,
Corey F. Curtiss, PEC
Ann Arbor Council No. 86, R&SM 2012 Installation of Officers
Greetings Friends & Companions,
I am pleased to announce the Ann Arbor Council #86 OPEN Installation of Officers for the 2012 Cryptic Year: Monday December 19th, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. at Calvary United Methodist Church, 1415 Miller Avenue (at Newport Rd), Ann Arbor, 48103 with Corey Curtiss the TIM-elect, Brandon Mullins, Deputy-elect, and Hon. SJ Elden, PCW-elect. Due to facility limitations we will not have dinner but will more than likely go out to celebrate after. The dress and color of the evening is fomal and Purple. All are invited! Installing officer is Most Puissant George Sellars, General Grand Master with PMIGM Brian Himes, PMIGM Stephen Striggow, and Grand Chaplain Larry Inscho, PMEGHP. We hope to see you there!
Corey Curtiss
Commander's Comments | Apr 2011
Distinguished Brethren,
WB Andrew Hammer, PM (the junior past master of George Washington’s lodge in Alexandria, VA) the author of the book Observing the Craft, will be appearing as the guest speaker at my St. John’s event (Hosted by my lodge Milan #323 and York Chapter #150) on Saturday June 11, 2011at 6:30 p.m. The location will be set within the week (somewhere in the Ann Arbor/Chelsea, MI area) and I will be sure to send out an invitation to all of you too. This will include a formal dinner, bar, festive board/table lodge festivities, and of course a dynamic speaker and lively discussion and a special gift.
Unfortunately, this date also coincides with the Michigan CoD (AASR) up near Traverse City and also the All Degree Day Outdoors for Chapter in Paw Paw, but it was the only weekend he was available this near to this Feast of St. John.
We are already planning a prestigious event for 2012 and will do our best to avoid those conflicts. Please let me know if you or someone you know is interested in any event.
Fraternally Yours,
Corey F. Curtiss
Worshipful Master, Milan Lodge 323, F&AM
High Priest, York Chapter #150, RAM
Commander, Ann Arbor #13, KT
Commander's Comments | Feb 2011
I trust that Blue Lodge and Council Installation season went well (and your Holidays and family time too). I look forward to your attendance at our upcoming Ann Arbor Joint York Rite (AAJYR) meeting on Monday, February 21. We are going to start practicing our 10 man opening and closing and thinking about Inspection season which is just around the corner. We will also have a discussion about our calendar for the next 12-15 months and I welcome suggestions for activities that our membership might enjoy or that could bring service to the community and visibility to our Valiant Order. If you perchance, cannot attend and would like to contribute an idea please email me at cfcurtiss@yahoo.com or call me at 734-660-0241.
I encourage you in the interim between AAJYR meetings to regularly attend communications of the Blue Lodge(s) in your area and through the means of common social intercourse strike up a conversation about the York Rite of Masonry and particularly our Knights Templar. Make your brothers aware of the high regard you hold for the Order and your zeal for our institution. Perhaps they might be interested in joining with us in our noble works. Always have ready petitions to join the York Rite Bodies for those who are interested. Avoid badgering those that might not be receptive right now but let yourself be an example of the good work and superior fellowship we enjoy in the York Rite and more especially the Knights Templar. Thank you for your efforts on behalf of our Order. Please pray for our sick, dearly departed, those who are traveling, and men and women in uniform locally and overseas, both civil servants and those in the armed forces. If you’re on your way or already in a warmer place for the next few weeks I hope you enjoy the weather and your rest and recuperation; we look forward to welcoming you home in the Spring.
Corey Curtiss, EC