High Priest's Address | Jun 2011

Brandon Mullins - Washtenaw No 6 Avatar 2.gif

Greetings Friends & Companions,

Before we begin I’d like to congratulate Companion William Green on being made an honorary member of Washtenaw Chapter No. 6, Royal Arch Masons. His work with the chapter has been greatly appreciated and I hope he enjoys further adventures with us as he takes part in future degrees and continues his journey through the York Rite.

With June here and the warm weather it brings it seems that there is something going on every weekend keeping all the brethren as busy as possible. For me the most notable are Milan Lodge No. 323’s First Annual Feast of St. John the Baptist Featuring Worshipful Brother Andrew Hammer which takes place on June 11th at the Comfort Inn Chelsea; the Belleville National Strawberry Festival on June 17th-19th where my blue lodge, Myrtle Lodge No. 89 will be selling the best strawberries and strawberry shortcake in town; and the 4th Annual Detroit Windsor International Film Festival which is hosted at Wayne State University on June 22nd-26th. Throw Father’s Day in there on June 19th and it makes for a very busy month.

But with all these activities going on I hope you find the time to come visit us on June 20th at Calvary United Methodist Church for our monthly business meeting. We have a small meal at 6:30pm and we open at 7:00pm, and we have all sorts of events to plan out! Currently we have three petitioners for the capitular degrees, four for the cryptic degrees and 3 for the chivalric orders.  It’s a lot of work, and a lot to prepare for but with the help of our members and those from the other York Rite bodies in the area I’m sure we can give these brothers and companions a great experience in the York Rite!

As some of you may know my wife’s family is up in Toronto and as such I take several trips up there a year. This last trip I took in May was particularly special because it allowed me to visit King Solomon’s Chapter No. 8, Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario. It happened to be election night that evening and I was able to witness Excellent Companion Obafemi Adiete elected as First Principal, the equivalent of High Priest. It was a great experience and I was able to learn a little bit about how Royal Arch Masonry operates in Canada. One specific thing I paid particular attention to was the Companion’s Jewel worn by all Royal Arch Masons in Canada. 

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The jewel itself is wrought with symbolism, some of which your average American Companion would be well aware of, but some of which they would not and it’s best explained in a video the Royal Arch Masons of Canada produced which can be found at http://jointheroyalarch.com/?page_id=72. While I have a great appreciation for Masonic symbolism and feel it should never be overlooked, the jewel’s intrinsic symbolism isn’t what I’d like to talk about today. What really interested me is the symbolism of how and when it’s worn. See when you receive this jewel not only is it to be worn at all convocations of your Chapter but it is also permitted and expected to be worn in Blue Lodge as well. This was very surprising to me given the fact that in Michigan while from the standpoint of ritual Royal Arch Chapters and Craft Lodges are irrevocably intertwined there is a firm disconnect in administration separating the Royal Arch as if it was any other appendant body. The Royal Arch degree in fact is the completion of the 3rd Degree and I think through a subtle use of regalia the Canadian system better represents that truth. The Companion’s Jewel serves as a badge of honor for those who continued seeking light not satisfied with a substitution and traveled the rough road to find the right. It begs the new brother to question, and motivates them to wonder leading them on a journey to find answers.

But as we are in Michigan and have no such jewel to wear and show our connection to Capitular Masonry so can we do? Well we can talk about it. Talk to your brothers about the Royal Arch, and the process of completing their 3rd Degree. Let them know that the story is not yet over and they still have much to learn. Spark their curiosity and try to deeper build the connection between us and the Craft Lodges leading our brethren to further experiences, and greater light. 

Well I hope I’ve been able to pass on a bit of light I picked up from a foreign jurisdiction, and hope a little insight on their unique ways have motivated you the way it has motivated me. Once again keep in mind we do have a number of candidates ready to continue their journey and could use all the help we can get, and as always we’ll be at Calvary United Methodist Church in Ann Arbor every third Monday, and would love to have you. 

Dominus Vobiscum,

Brandon Mullins, HP  

From the Crypt | Jun 2011

George Lucero - Ann Arbor No. 86 Avatar.gif

Greetings Companions and Friends,


Council work throughout the State is keeping busy.

June 4th – All Degree Day in Pontiac.

June 18th – All Degree Day in Kingsford.

September 10th – All Degree Day in Howell.

We have several candidates in waiting, now, but hope and expect to be doing the work ourselves. It was great to have the Most Illustrious Grand Master, Steve Striggow, in Ann Arbor for our last meeting. He is very gracious and kept us all relaxed and at ease. We hope to be seeing each of you at our next Stated Assembly on June 20th while we begin to make plans for the immediate future.

George Lucero

Thrice Illustrious Master

Commander's Comments | Jun 2011

Corey Curtiss - Ann Arbor No 13 Avatar.gif

Sir Knights and Friends:

How great it is to be able to write and tell you of the many upcoming activities of your Commandery. On May 26th it was our intent to be in Ypsilanti to assist them in putting on the Orders of Red Cross and Malta. This will be of great value and assistance to us as it is a pleasure to be able to have to put on those Orders for petitioners that we currently have for Ann Arbor.

Northville will be having a parade on July 4th. Stepping off at 10 am. Wouldn’t you enjoy marching with the Commandery portion of the parade? Summer uniform, if you have it. If not then black slacks, white shirt, chapeau and sword. Go early and enjoy a breakfast at the Temple which begins at 8 am. The Grand Conclave will be on Friday and Saturday, Aug. 19th & 20th. The pass in review will be on the afternoon of the 20th. Our Annual Inspection will be a joint Inspection with Ypsilanti Commandery, again this year, as it was last year. We will begin at 9 am, therefore, everyone participating should be there not later than 8:30. A luncheon will follow the formal Inspection. Ladies and guests are encouraged to be in attendance for the Luncheon. We will be holding joint rehearsals in preparing for this very Special event. Please watch for more details and then be in attendance, even if you do not have a major part we need people to march and otherwise be of assistance We need YOU! 

Congratulations to our Recorder, SK Arthur W. Davidge on his well-deserved honor of being named 2011 Michigan Mason of the Year.

God Bless each of you.

Paul Howell, KYCH, PC

Ann Arbor Fraternity No. 262: UPDATE: State Mason of the Year, Art Davidge


Our Brother, Art Davidge, has been chosen be be the 2011 State Mason of the Year! The Grand Lodge of Michigan will bestow this honor on on WB Art this May 24 at the Annual Grand Communication in Mount Pleasant. You are invited to join with us in the celebration too. You can attend the “…

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Companions and Sir Knights,

The Ann Arbor York Rite would like to officially congratulate Brother, Companion, and Sir Knight Art Davidge on being made State Mason on the Year! Considering just the work he does for us at the York Rite alone serving in a number of capacities in all three bodies he certainly deserves the honor.

Brandon Mullins - Washtenaw No 6 Avatar 2.gif

Greetings Traveling Companions,

I wish you safety and prosperity on all of your journeys, and today I’d like to update you on one of my own. I’m writing this message from Toronto, Ontario where tonight it will be my honor to represent Washtenaw Chapter No. 6, Royal Arch Masons of Michigan as I visit King Solomon’s Chapter No. 8, Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario this evening. I’ve been meaning to visit them for a number of years given my many trips up this way but I haven’t been able to until now. Not only does this give me my first opportunity to visit the Chapter of a foreign country but also this particular chapter is of interest to me because it was founded only two days after my blue lodge, Myrtle Lodge No. 89, Free and Accepted Masons, and almost 7 years to the date after our own Chapter. But before my visit I’d like to share a video with you that comes from Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada public relations website, http://jointheroyalarch.com/. It features a great deal of information about the Royal Arch in general and gives some insight into the Canadian perspective on it.

Well my Companions, enjoy the video, and I’ll tell you how the trip went when I get back. Thanks for reading.


As with every trip I’ve taken to visit our Canadian brethren the hospitality and courtesy was downright impressive and the experience very interesting. This was my first visit to a foreign chapter and while there was no degree work this evening I was able to see the Canadian open and closing and in general get a feel for how they operate. The officers and opening were a bit alien to me but after while I began to pick up on the similarities and began to see how our bodies clearly shared the same ancestry.

While I didn’t get to see a degree I was able to witness their election night, and I’d like to congratulate all the new officers of King Solomon’s Chapter No. 8, and most especially Excellent Companion Obafemi Adiete on being elected as First Principal, the equivalent of High Priest in an American Chapter.

Once again I’d like to thank the Companions of King Solomon’s Chapter No. 8, Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario for welcoming me, allowing me to sit in their chapter.

Dominus Vobiscum,

Brandon Mullins, HP

High Priest's Address | May 2011

Brandon Mullins - Washtenaw No 6 Avatar 2.gif

Greetings Friends & Companions,

First and foremost, for this month’s address I would like to congratulate our three newest companions, Adam Smith, James Piper, and Kenneth Landstrom, as well as the multichapter degree team which made it all possible. It was a great night, and I wish these companions a multitude of blessings on their continued journey with us. 

Spring is making its final bumpy decent into Michigan, and for Royal Arch Masons spring means elections and installations. Well as you may have previously read the officers of Washtenaw Chapter will be serving a second term so if you want to attend one of our installations you’re just going to have to wait till next year. Sorry. But there have been two very notable lineup changes. As many of you know Al Christ has moved out of state for work, but has still maintained many duties as secretary. Well given it’s pretty difficult to do the job hundreds of miles away Art Davidge has graciously agreed to take over as secretary for the insuring year. Along with Art, George Lucero has also taken over the position of King for Walt Howarth whose health has made it difficult for him to attend as of late. So given there will be no lavish installation ceremony, our newly elected companions will have to settle for my sincere thanks for taking these new positions, and hope that they will take as much joy sitting in those positions as I have in seeing them there. 

In preparing for last month’s degree I found myself in want of a certain ring which I was unable to find. After a time I decided upon a suitable ring for my purposes, but it did leave me wondering why the heck I was looking for it in the first place. The ring I was looking for was the signet of Zerubbabel. So who is Zerubbabel and why is his signet so important?

Well while he isn’t someone you run into during the first three degrees, continue your search for light and you’ll find that he’s a bit of an appendant body celebrity. Whether you go York or Scottish Rite his influence on a number of degrees cannot be avoided. So who is he? Well Sometime in the 6th century, BC, Zerubbabel, the Jewish prince led the Jews out of Babylonian captivity, and traveled a rough road of his own which involved standing up to a king, becoming the governor of Judah and laying the foundation for the second temple. Religious texts don’t give us all that much to go on but his importance cannot be understated. 

So what’s the deal with his signet ring? Well for starters a signet ring is a ring which was historically used by those in authority to place an official seal upon wax in order to deem documents genuine. Meaning whoever carried the ring carried the authority that came along with the seal. Well Zerubbabel, being a ruler of antiquity may have very well carried a signet ring for the afore mentioned purpose, but as is often the case, we have to go deeper than that. 

“Zerubbabel the LORD’s Signet Ring

The word of the LORD came to Haggai a second time on the twenty-fourth day of the month: “Tell Zerubbabel governor of Judah that I am going to shake the heavens and the earth. I will overturn royal thrones and shatter the power of the foreign kingdoms. I will overthrow chariots and their drivers; horses and their riders will fall, each by the sword of his brother. “‘On that day,’ declares the LORD Almighty, ‘I will take you, my servant Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel,’ declares the LORD, ‘and I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you,’ declares the LORD Almighty.” 

- Haggai 2:20-23 NIV

Zerubbabel may have had a unique place as the man who led the Jews out of captivity, and as the governor of Judah but I think it can easily be said that none of those titles compare to signet ring of the LORD of Hosts. It’s isn’t the signet of Zerubbabel we should be looking for, but looking to Zerubbabel as that seal od divine authority.  Zerubbabel, from that day fourth would become a sign of the LORD’s authenticity on this Earth and continue his work with a divine seal of approval. 

Zerubbabel, Governor of Judah, Builder of the Second Temple, Notary of the Almighty. Whatever his title there is no mistaking that this man was of great importance and worthy example for any Mason to follow.

I’ve hope you enjoyed this month’s address and further hope that  if you’re able you might drop in to visit us at one of our meetings on the third Monday of each month at Calvary Methodist Church in Ann Arbor. We have a small meal that begins at 6:15pm and we open at 7pm. And if you are not yet a companion, we’d welcome your petition. It’s a rough road, but well worth the journey. 

Dominus Vobiscum,

Brandon Mullins, HP

From the Crypt | May 2011

George Lucero - Ann Arbor No. 86 Avatar.gif

Greetings Companions and Friends,

Last month our Thrice Illustrious Master, George Lucero asked me to write “From the Crypt” and I’m continuing the subject I wrote on last month, today. 

The subject was identifying the “Crypt” in Cryptic Masonry and the factual history behind crypt and King Solomon’s Temple above. In the article I spoke of the traditional site of King Solomon’s Temple which is where the Dome of the Rock stands now and the evidence that points to belief that there is a genuine crypt below.  But what we’ll be talking about is a possible alternate theory of the location and how that could change how we think about the Temple Mount.

Architect, Tuvia Sagiv has been studying the Temple Mount and has put forth a controversial theory. He states that King Solomon’s Temple wasn’t standing where the Dome of the Rock is now but between the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Looking at the Solomon’s Temple from an architectural and logistical perspective he states that given the elevation of the Dome of the Rock water flow required for ritual bathing and sacrifices would have been impossible. Archeologists believe they may have found an aqueduct close to the Dome of the Rock but given the angle and direction of the aqueduct Sagiv believes there is no way water would have been able to reach where the Dome currently stands. Giving further credence to his theory is infrared pictures taken of the Temple Mount that shows that directly behind the Western or Wailing Wall is a structure that in many ways fits the dimensions of the Second Temple as laid out in scripture. 

A major component of his theory though relies on the history of yet another temple that rested upon the temple mount. Not a Jewish, Christian or Muslim temple but the temple of Jupiter which the Romans built on the Temple Mount. Now any archeologist will tell you that holy sites are often built on top of one another. From the Vatican to Spanish missions we often find that holy sites are regularly designed to cover up the previous religion of the area. So that fact would lead one to assume that the Dome of the Rock WAS in fact built on the ruins of the Second Temple. Not so, says Sagiv. History tells us that the Romans built a massive Jupiter Temple upon the ruins of the Second Temple and though it was technically over the site of Solomon’s Temple it was designed to take up the majority of the Temple Mount and Sagiv states it had one large structure where the Dome of the Rock stands,  another large structure where the Al-Aqsa Mosque stands on the other side of the Temple Mount, and a large statue of a horse built over where they thought stood the Sanctum Sanctorum, the Holy of Holies as a way of promoting the Roman belief that they had defeated the Jewish people. This is backed up by examples of other temples to Jupiter built by the same architect in the same period. Then before or during the Ummayad period of rule Jupiter’s Temple including the horse statue was destroyed and the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock were built in its place leaving the Holy of Holies unmarked and lost to the ages. 

So what’s the problem? Whether you’re looking for Solomon’s Temple or Sulaiman’s Mosque this is an amazing archeological find. Well the consensus among Rabbis and Imams is that the whole theory is a lot of wishful thinking, and the plan requires some major changes to holy sites. To get to the underground ruins or crypt of the temple one would have to destroy much of the western wall and dig up Muslim land, and no one would be willing to disturb such holy sites on little more than a theory.

Personally I couldn’t tell you for sure as much as I would love to be certain. Perhaps one day men will dig beneath the Dome of the Rock or behind the Western Wall in search of undeniable proof of the location of King Solomon’s Temple and the long hidden Sanctum Sanctorum. But until that light shines upon us we’ll have to wait and wonder.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this letter and hope that if you have never considered Cryptic Masonry or have just been waiting for the right time, come check us out and let us show you into the Crypt. We have three new companions in waiting so you can be assured you’ll be in good company.

Brandon Mullins

Deputy Master

Milan Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons #323: The Worshipful Master and Officers of Milan Lodge #323, F&AM cordially...


The Worshipful Master and Officers of Milan Lodge #323, F&AM cordially invite all Entered Apprentices, Fellowcrafts, and Master Masons to:

The First Annual Feast of St. John the Baptist

Featuring: Worshipful Brother Andrew Hammer

(Past Master of Alexandria-Washington Lodge…

Royal Arch Degree | Apr 2011

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Greetings Friends & Companions,

The day has finally come for our Brothers to become Companions. Come join us at the Belleville Masonic Temple on April 11th for the conferring of the Royal Arch Degree.

A dinner will start at 6pm, and Chapter will open at 7pm. So bring your appetite and prepare for the first Royal Arch Degree to be put on at the Belleville Masonic Temple in a half century. 

High Priest's Address | Apr 2011

Brandon Mullins - Washtenaw No 6 Avatar.gif

Greetings Friends & Companions,

According to my previously set theme this address would be regarding the Royal Arch Degree. But I’ve decided that I’m unwilling to summarize it for the same reasons I would be unwilling to summarize the Master Mason degree. Not only is it a broad degree with a multitude of interpretations but it is meant to be the pinnacle of the body and I would hate to have the experience spoiled for a potential candidate by reading this address. So what I would like to do is to pick a particular aspect of the degree and elaborate upon it. With that plan in mind I’ve chosen the Triple Tau. 

The Triple Tau has been described as the “Grand Emblem of Royal Arch Masonry” and you’ll find it on nearly every piece of Royal Arch regalia.  I’m often asked what it means by people interested in the Royal Arch and most recently by one of our candidates to which I gave a fairly lackluster answer. The Triple Tau is difficult to explain, and even more difficult when you’re attempting brevity. So how do you explain it? Well to explain it you must understand it and to understand the Triple Tau you must first understand the Tau. The Tau or “Τ” is a letter our alphabet inherited from the Greeks which they in turn inherited from Semitic Phoenician Taw or “X” which held a particular significances to the Jewish people which can be seen in the following passage from the Bible. 

“And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.”

-Ezekiel 9:4 KJV

The mark this passage speaks of is the Taw which later evolved into the Tau. In this instance the Taw becomes a symbol of the faithful and distinction from the wicked. The Taw also has a special place in Christianity as well. Early Christian artifacts show an extensive use of the Taw in the Jewish sense, and the cross which tradition states Constantine the Great saw in the sky that motivated is conversion to Christianity was not a Latin cross that Christians often use today but the Chi Rho or “☧” which appears to incorporate a Taw as well. The symbol in its Tau form also takes shape as the Cross of Tau which has numerous Christian allusions. So to say the least this symbol is a religious heavy hitter spanning multiple faiths and several millennia of usage. 

So why three Tau? For this we have a multitude of explanations of which I will describe two. The most prevalent I have found has been the idea that the Tau which is considered to be a symbol of deity is present thrice in our symbol because of the three natures of deity, Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omniscience. The other and one I find interesting is the idea that perhaps our Triple Tau isn’t three Taus at all but a Tau and an “H” giving us the initials of Templum Hierosolyma otherwise known as the Temple of Solomon. The Triple Tau then becomes a symbol listing us as servants of Solomon’s Temple which of course is an allegory for that spiritual temple, that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. 

I hope you’ve enjoyed my little piece of the Triple Tau and I hope that you can make it out to the Royal Arch Degree we’re putting on at the Belleville Masonic Temple on Monday, April 11th. We have four candidates going through, three of ours, and one from Excelsior Chapter, and we’d love to have you out. Dinner starts at 6:00pm we open at 7:00pm, and officers should be in tuxes if they have them. So bring your appetite, and bring your support for four new companions taking a journey together I hope they’ll never forget.

The address for the temple is:  515 Main Street, Belleville, MI, 48111, and it’s on the corner of the first right past the bridge, you can’t miss it. I hope to see you there! And don’t forget we still have our Stated Communication every third Monday at Calvary United Methodist Church, right here in Ann Arbor with a small meal starting at 6:30pm so feel free to drop in. 

Dominus Vobiscum,

Brandon Mullins, HP

From the Crypt | Apr 2011

George Lucero - Ann Arbor No. 86 Avatar.gif

Greetings Companions and Friends,

Our Thrice Illustrious Master George Lucero asked me to write this month’s letter so I thought I would pose a question. What makes Cryptic Masonry so Cryptic? Isn’t all Freemasonry Cryptic? Well that very well may be true. Webster defines something as being Cryptic by having a hidden or obscure meaning, and every good and lawful Mason knows that the symbols used in the lodge have meanings that may not be immediately clear with interpretations that may not be shared by all. This as one might expect is no different in Cryptic Masonry. But Cryptic Masonry is not so named because of this fact, but because of where the word cryptic is derived. Cryptic goes all the way back to the Ancient Greek term κρύπτη, which means a hidden place, which we now translate as Crypt. Cryptic Masonry, otherwise known as the Council of Royal and Select Masters deals with a hidden place or crypt found within King Solomon’s Temple.

Now Cryptic Masonry like the rest of Freemasonry deals with allegorical interpretations of historical events that are not purported to be factual. But I would fervently advocate the idea that knowledge of such events only adds to the Masonic experience and while the focus of degrees will always be the allegorical lessons there in, a Mason should make himself knowledgeable of the history surrounding these degrees as well.

Well as most of us know that the traditional place of King Solomon’s Temple, as well as the Second Temple is on Temple Mount in Jerusalem where the Dome of the Rock stands today. What is lesser known is the details on the real crypt beneath it. Modern technology has allowed scholars to prove the existence of a crypt beneath the Dome of the Rock but Muslim authorities strictly forbid excavation by outsiders and appear to have little interest in disturbing their third holiest site. Evidence has been found that the Knights Templar attempted to excavate the area during their era and were met with debatable levels of success but since that time no archeological excavations have taken place under the dome of the rock.

But what if we’ve been looking in the wrong place all along? What if the Dome of the Rock wasn’t built upon King Solomon’s Temple? Well I’ll explore those questions in my next letter. In the meantime if you’re a Royal Arch Mason and have never considered the Council of Royal of Select Masters, please do, we have a great deal to show you.

Brandon Mullins

Deputy Master

Commander's Comments | Apr 2011

Corey Curtiss - Ann Arbor No 13 Avatar.gif

Distinguished Brethren,

WB Andrew Hammer, PM (the junior past master of George Washington’s lodge in Alexandria, VA) the author of the book Observing the Craft, will be appearing as the guest speaker at my St. John’s event (Hosted by my lodge Milan #323 and York Chapter #150) on Saturday June 11, 2011at 6:30 p.m. The location will be set within the week (somewhere in the Ann Arbor/Chelsea, MI area) and I will be sure to send out an invitation to all of you too. This will include a formal dinner, bar, festive board/table lodge festivities, and of course a dynamic speaker and lively discussion and a special gift.

Unfortunately, this date also coincides with the Michigan CoD (AASR) up near Traverse City and also the All Degree Day Outdoors for Chapter in Paw Paw, but it was the only weekend he was available this near to this Feast of St. John.

We are already planning a prestigious event for 2012 and will do our best to avoid those conflicts. Please let me know if you or someone you know is interested in any event.

Fraternally Yours,

Corey F. Curtiss

Worshipful Master, Milan Lodge 323, F&AM

High Priest, York Chapter #150, RAM

Commander, Ann Arbor #13, KT

2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami

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We’re in touch with companions in Japan working on a collaborative charitable effort. Stay tuned for details…


We have contacted the Grand York Rite Bodies of Japan and they have put us in contact with brothers who are organizing the relief fund. The details on the event we plan to use to raise money for said fund is still in the planning stages. Once again keep an eye on this page for details. 

Masonic labor is purely a labor of love. He who seeks to draw Masonic wages in gold and silver will be disappointed. The wages of a Mason are earned and paid in their dealings with one another; sympathy that begets sympathy, kindness begets kindness, helpfulness begets helpfulness, and these are the wages of a Mason.
— Bro. Benjamin Franklin

Past Master & Most Excellent Master Degrees | Mar 2011

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Greetings Friends & Companions,

Monday, March 14th we’ll be doing TWO degrees at the Belleville Masonic Temple, both the Past Master, and Most Excellent Master degrees. As you may suspect we could use your support, so I’d like to invite all companions down to the Belleville Masonic Temple, which is at 515 Main Street, Belleville, MI 48111 on Monday, March 14th at 7:00pm for the Past Master and Most Excellent Master Degrees. A small meal will be served after the degrees and if you’re lucky we might even put you to work during them.

So please come support our newest members, Adam Smith, Jim Piper, Kenneth Landstrom at their Past Master & Most Excellent Master Degrees!

High Priest's Address | Mar 2011

Brandon Mullins - Washtenaw No 6 Avatar.gif

Greetings Friends & Companions,

I would first like congratulate the new Mark Master Masons of Washtenaw Chapter No. 6, Adam Smith, Jim Piper, and Kenneth Landstrom. They received the Mark Master Mason degree on Monday, February 14th during the first of our degrees to be set at the Belleville Masonic Temple. I would then like to thank the companions hailing from FIVE different chapters who came out in support on St. Valentine’s Day of all days in order to make this degree possible.

But our work is not done yet and in truth it’s just begun. Monday, March 14th we’ll be doing TWO degrees at the Belleville Masonic Temple, both the Past Master, and Most Excellent Master degrees. As you may suspect we could use your support, so I’d like to invite all companions down to the Belleville Masonic Temple, which is at 515 Main Street, Belleville, MI 48111 on Monday, March 14th at 7:00pm for the Past Master and Most Excellent Master Degrees. A small meal will be served after the degrees and if you’re lucky we might even put you to work during them.

So why do we have this Past Master degree? The most obvious answer is a traditional requirement that all Royal Arch Masons must first be Master of a Lodge, and to bring the Royal Arch Degree to a greater number of brothers the Past Master degree was created in order to satisfy that requirement. That is I suppose the textbook explanation, but why then didn’t we merely change the rules and eliminate the requirement, and why do we proceed to confer this degree upon Worshipful Brother Jim Piper who is a two time Past Master, and sat in the East only a few months ago? It’s because the lesson is important. From George Washington to King Solomon never has a mortal man been a perfect leader and the virtues required for good leadership can never be inculcated too often, or practiced too zealously. In addition the Past Master degree teaches us to be prepared to be thrust into leadership unexpectedly, a lesson that as High Priest of this Chapter is very near and dear to my heart. So if there becomes a question of who will lead the craftsmen the Past Master degree teaches the brother what it takes to step forward.

The Most Excellent Master degree is one that celebrates the joy of a labors well performed but reminds us that even as our work draws to a close there is never truly an end to our duty, because with every step we take towards completion that is another lesson we are tasked to take to our brothers who may not be so far along. A man becomes an Entered Apprentice, an Entered Apprentice becomes a Fellowcraft, and finally at long last a Fellowcraft becomes a Master.  So does becoming a Master mean your labors have ceased? No! It’s the duty of an Entered Apprentice to learn, a Fellowcraft to practice, and a Master to… teach. The Most Excellent Master degree teaches the valuable lesson that amongst the rewards you’ve earned through your labors in becoming a Master Mason is the right and duty to spread the lessons you’ve learned selflessly working for the benefit of your fellow Brothers.

Companions, I hope to see as many of you ask can make it for our Past Master, and Most Excellent Master degrees, and if you helped with the Mark Master Degree or expressed interest in helping with the coming two, you should expect a call from me very soon.

The Joint York Rite Meeting is still being held at the Calvary United Methodist Church. It is an excellent setting for our Stated Convocations. Looking forward to you joining us for excellent conversation and light refreshments prior to the meeting. Refreshments begin at about 6:15 and the meeting is called to order at 7 pm. Hoping for one and all the best of health and happiness. Happy St. Patrick’s Day.

Dominus Vobiscum,

Brandon Mullins, HP

From the Crypt | Mar 2011

George Lucero - Ann Arbor No. 86 Avatar.gif

Greetings Companions and Friends,

Royal Master

This is the first of the Council degrees. It is conferred in a place known as the council chamber, which represents the private apartment of King Solomon’s Temple, where he and his two associates met for consultation and deliberation during the construction of the Temple, and the drama portrayed in it sheds additional light on both the Master Mason and Royal Arch degrees. It and the following degree are essential to a clear understanding of the events of one section of the Royal Arch.

Select Master

In the Select Master’s degree which is the second of the Council, the place of meeting represents a “Secret Vault” or crypt beneath the Temple. The historical object of the degree is to commemorate the deposits of an important secretor treasure which, after the preliminary preparations, is said to have been made by our three Grand Masters.

Super Excellent Master

This degree was not originally a part of the Cryptic system, and is not in all jurisdictions as yet. It has one of the best written rituals in Masonry. It deals with incidents in the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar when Zedekiah, the last King of Judah, was conquered and carried captive to Babylon. It enlarges upon the section of the Royal Arch having to do with the capture of Jerusalem by the Babylonian King, and teaches in most dramatic fashion the lesson of fidelity.

Commander's Comments | Mar 2011

Corey Curtiss - Ann Arbor No 13 Avatar.gif

Order of the Red Cross

As the first step in a Commandery of Knights Templar, The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross continues the story of the Royal Arch and deals with a period in Jewish history at the time of the reurn of the Jews from capitivity and the efforts to rebuild the Temple of their God in Jerusalem. The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, peculiar to America, teaches the lessons of the triumph of TRUTH.

Order of Knight of Malta

The second Order in the Commandery is the Knight of Malta with its pass degree of Knight of St. Paul or the Mediterranean Pass. This Order is the first Christian Order encountered by the candidate. The ritual is based historically upon one of the old Order of the Crusades. In this order you are taught to be zealous and vigilant for the Order of Knighthood.

Order of the Temple

This is the third and most impressive Order of the Commandery and is wholly Christian. The Templar tradition derives from the Society of the same name which played so important a part in the Crusades of the Middle Ages. Beautiful lessons of the death and ascension of our Saviour are inculcated and the candidate is received into full fellowship, in the most solemn manner. This order will strengthen you in your quest for your growth in the Christian Religion and in your work and support for furthering the tenets of Brotherly Love and Friendship.


The K.Y.C.H., Knight York Cross of Honour is an honor that can be bestowed upon a York Rite Mason for service in and to the Fraternity. He must have served as the leader of his Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery and been nominated by his peers and elected to receive this distinction.

Mark Master Mason Degree | Feb 2011

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Greetings Friends & Companions,

Join Washtenaw Chapter No. 6, Excelsior Chapter No. 25 and York Chapter No. 150 for the Mark Master Mason degree being performed at the Belleville Masonic Temple in cooperation with our host, Myrtle Lodge No. 89.

If you have ever considered joining Royal Arch Masonry, part of the York Rite this is a great opportunity to begin this spectacular journey in a city where this work hasn’t been performed for nearly a half century.

Chapter will open at 7:00pm followed by a small meal. Hope to see you there!

High Priest's Address | Feb 2011

Brandon Mullins - Washtenaw No 6 Avatar.gif

Greetings Friends & Companions,

“The stone which the builders refused
is become the head stone of the corner
This is the LORD’s doing;
it is marvellous in our eyes.
This is the day which the LORD hath made;
we will rejoice and be glad in it.”

- Psalm 118:22-24 KJV

As many of you may know we will be starting several brothers on the journey though Capitular Masonry in Belleville this month and of course that starts with the Mark Master Mason Degree. In our jurisdiction this ritual makes up first degree of Royal Arch Masonry, and in turn the York Rite but I always find it important to note that in other jurisdictions the Order of Mark Masters is its own appendant organization holding a special distinction within the body of Masonic work. The lessons of the Mark Master Mason degree like many other degrees are varied an open to interpretation but if I think I can share a few take aways that I would hope all can find. The degree teaches us to resist elitism showing the candidate that even the most experienced can be wrong and that even the weakest among us have the capacity for greatness. And as it follows the path of the stone it follows the path of a well lived life, being found, being recognized, and brought into perfection. Indeed the stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.

I hope all who can make it join us at the Belleville Masonic Temple, on February 14th for the Mark Master Mason Degree, and of course the degrees to follow which will continue on the second Monday of each month. I would also like to remind everyone that we will continue having our business meeting on the third Monday of every month at our home in Ann Arbor. Last but not least I would like to thank the companions of Excelsior Chapter No. 25, York Chapter No. 150 and my own companions for making these degrees possible, and of course Myrtle Lodge No. 89 for welcoming us into their home.

The address for the temple is:  515 Main Street, Belleville, MI, 48111, and it’s on the corner of the first right past the bridge, you can’t miss it. I hope to see you there!

Dominus Vobiscum,

Brandon Mullins, HP